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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

OK, 20 MORE Questions 

Would you rather go on a fancy date or Netflix and chill? 

I’m not a huge one for fancy dates but they do have their charms. Personally, I’m much more of a Netflix and chill person depending on my mood. 

If you had the super-power of invisibility, how would you use it? 

Well, duh! SPYING! 

How would you save the world? 

My first thoughts were CAN the world be saved and SHOULD the world be saved (presumably the question relates to the human world rather than the actual world which can pretty much handle whatever we throw at it up to a full all out nuclear war). But: I think we need to co-operate a LOT more than we do (at all levels), I think we need to stop ‘fucking each other over for a percentage’ (as per Ripley in Alien), we need to look and plan 10, 50, 100 years ahead rather than just to the next election, we need to look at the whole Earth and not just at our little slice of it and we really should stop killing each other. That’d be a good start.   

What is the super-power you most want to have? 

To use my brain at peak ability whenever I needed to. 

What do you imagine your future family will be like? 

Well, I’m 62 and don’t have an immediate family so.....  

Would you rather live the next 10 years of your life in China or Russia? 

Tough choice! But as Russia is probably going into a death spiral in the next 10 years I’d have to choose China. 

If you had to switch lives with someone, who would you choose? 

I can’t think of a single person. 

Would you rather never be able to eat meat or never be able to eat vegetables? 

LOL – I'm a vegetarian so I already don’t eat meat (or fish before you ask). Easy! 

How did you meet your best friend? 

School, University, Work. 

Would you rather have a home on the beach or in the mountains? 

Mountains, for the view and fresh air and, hopefully, lots of pine trees. 

What was the best meal you’ve ever eaten? 

I was in Nottingham some years ago and tagged along with a group of people heading to a curry house. When I checked the menu I noticed that they didn’t have a single vegetarian option (not that unusual in those days) so I asked what they could do for me. The waiter informed the manager who came over to speak to me. I told him the kind of thing I liked (or didn’t like) and he said he’d see what he could do. When the rest of the crew was being served I was brought a vegetable curry. It certainly looked the part and when I started tucking in I was amazed at just how TASTY it was. I could virtually taste individual rice grains and EVERY spice in it PLUS I could taste every individual veggie too. Not sure if it’s the best meal I’ve ever had but it was certainly the best curry I’ve ever had. 

Would you rather eat a spoonful of wasabi or a spoonful of extremely spicy hot sauce? 

Probably the spicy hot sauce, except I’m not a hot sauce kind of person despite liking curry!  

How would you describe your relationship with your family? 


What memory do you just keep going back to? 

Saturday, 2nd May 1998. Both myself and my ex-girlfriend had been invited to the same wedding. As it was somewhat out of the way she offered to give me a lift to the church. She looked amazing when she arrived on my doorstep and we had a really great day together. By the time we arrived later that evening at the after-meal event (square dancing!) we were back together. I have very fond memories of that day even if the relationship didn’t last.  

What’s the most ridiculous argument you’ve had? 

I do my very best not to argue that much (really!) but have found myself arguing over some VERY trivial stuff sometimes. 

Would you rather be very good at dancing or singing? 

Apparently I can sing (or could anyway). I used to help out backstage with a Light Opera Company when I first moved here. It was a good way to meet people and something to do at weekends during the season. Once we all went on a weekend away and, because a lot of them sang, we had a karaoke evening planned. So, the person running it was pointing people out in the audience to sing on stage and I really didn’t want to get stuck with a song I either didn’t like or was painfully unfamiliar with. So I volunteered (slightly drunk I admit) to sing ‘Yesterday’ by the Beatles thinking that my mild Liverpool accent would help. After I sang it, the Technical Director came across and said that he needed me BACK stage despite the fact that I could obviously sing. Seems I can hold a tune....  

What was your favorite game as a child? 

Probably Monopoly and Chess (later). 

Would you rather travel anywhere in the universe at the speed of light or be able to read minds? 

The SPEED of LIGHT? [lol] Do you realise just how SLOW that is? It’d take four YEARS to get to the nearest star. The Galaxy we live in is 90 THOUSAND light years in diameter and 100 light years THICK. Travelling at or near light speed is just a neat way of getting old before getting anywhere! As to reading minds – no thank you. Imagine having to listen to that junk all the time every time you pass near enough to someone. What a nightmare! 

Given the choice of anyone in the world, who would you want as a dinner guest? 

Iain M Banks before he died. I’d SO want to pick his brains about his Culture novels. From what I’ve heard he was also just a great all-round guy to be with too. 

Have you ever had to lose someone close to you? 

A friend or two over the years plus my dad in 2005. I have a friend in hospital presently with cancer who isn't expected to make it. 

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