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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Saturday, December 03, 2022

100 Questions – to get to know someone. 

The original version of this list is rather American, so I’ve amended a few of the questions to make them more relevant. 

1. Where do you consider "home" to be? 

Almost anywhere I hang my hat. I remember, at University, that I felt like I was going ‘home’ both ways – to my family and back to Uni. Everywhere I’ve lived for more than a few months I consider ‘home’. 

2. Do you believe in ghosts? 

No. I’m a Materialist and a Sceptic.  

3. Are you religious? 

No. I’ve never had any religious beliefs. I’m one of those lucky enough never to have had a crisis of faith. 

4. If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? 

Somewhere warm? [lol] I don’t have any great hankering to be anywhere else right now. 

5. If you could have dinner with any of the previous Prime Ministers, who would you choose? Why? 

I think it would’ve been AMAZING to be at a dinner with Winston Churchill. Oh, the stories he could and no doubt did tell..... The other one’s that spring to mind are Palmerston and Disraeli – both FULL of character.   

6. What is your dream job? 

None! My last job was probably my favourite though – or at least co-favourite with a job I had a while back. Both were project management positions dealing with smaller parts of MUCH larger projects. I actually enjoyed working on a massive building site even if it meant working in rather rickety portacabins for months on end as they built our office space nearby.  

7. Who is your role model? Why? 

Not something I’ve ever had really. There are people (both real and fictional) that I admire at least aspects of, but an actual role model? No. 

9. Do you prefer Coke or Pepsi? 

I used to be a Coke only person. But slowly, almost without noticing I’m now a Pepsi person. Funnily my dental hygienist advised me to stop drinking it. I told her that I’d been drinking it for well over 50 years and I wasn’t going to stop now.  

10. Do you prefer Cheetos or Doritos? 

Doritos – I'm particular fond of the chili cheese version.  

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