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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

100 Questions – to get to know someone. 

31. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? 

The very best place to ‘hide’ things is in plain sight. No one expects anything obviously on show to be secret, hidden or valuable. Well, at least it works in the movies & in books – at least until someone points it out (usually at the end). 

32. Would you ever strip or pose nude for a photo in a magazine? For a movie? 

Good GOD, No. I can KIND of understand nudity in films as long as it's important to the plot but think that 99% of the time it's pure fluff to keep people (usually men) interested in an otherwise poor plot/movie. The number of times I’ve seen them drop a ‘love scene’ into a film around the halfway mark and thought that even the director/producer knows it’s a bad movie at this point!     

33. What has been your best Halloween costume this far? 

Not something I’ve ever done. 

34. Are you stubborn? 

In the right circumstances I AM that immovable object. I think I get it (via my mother) from at least my Gran who took umbrage with the Catholic church for *decades* following a dispute with the local priest. She only relented (with gritted teeth no doubt) when she realised she was dying. 

35. Do you sing in the shower? In the car? 

Sure, plus when I have headphones on, just walking along.... Music is LIFE. 

36. Do you take vitamins daily? 

LOL – Just a few, yes. Actually, I take a variety. I started taking a standard multi-vitamin each day around 30(ish) years ago and then added what I called a ‘guest’ vitamin whenever something was on offer. Slowly the guests increased, and I started doing some research into things. Presently I’m popping around 10 pills per day – although some of them are repeats.    

37. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? 


38. Can you swim without plugging your nose? 

I never learnt to swim (bad I know) but on the few occasions I have been in the water – either pool or sea – I've never plugged my nose. I’m not sure why you’d want or need to. 

39. Have you ever won a contest? 

Yes, many. When I was younger, I used to do a lot of phone-in or write-in competitions. The radio station I listened to stopped taking my calls because I kept winning. I remember one contest where the question of the day was the population of Hawaii. I couldn’t believe that people were GUESSING. I just looked it up (in a book back in those days) and, naturally, won. The presently called me a smartarse for getting the number spot on..... [lol] 

40. Do you want kids? How many? 

I’ve never wanted children, not to any great degree anyway. Kids are OK (mostly), but I think they’re too much responsibility (for me) and I think I’d just spend my whole time worrying about them. Plus, to be honest, I don’t think I’d like to bring another mouth to feed into this world. I’m really not confident about the future. Plus (plus) I’ve never been with anyone long enough to even think about it.  


Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

You've never cried because you were SO HAPPY?!?! It's the best kind of crying! I also cry when I am furious, and when I am sad. Eleanor happy cried when I surprised her with Louis Tomlinson tickets for Christmas.

CyberKitten said...

Erm.... NO.... [lol]

Marianne said...

I'm not a big crier myself, I think, in general, Europeans cry less than Americans. Probably our kind of education.
I totally agree about nudity in movies. Most of the time, it's not necessary. Although I think it's ridiculous when a couple is in bed and the man is totally naked and the woman wears a bra. Who wears a bra to bed? I know I don't. Give her a nightie or something but not a bra!
I also sing everywhere.
Yes, I've wone a few contests, nothing major, though. The best prize I ever got was for a Johnny Cash concert in Rotterdam, it was fabulous.
And I love swimming but never plugged my nose in my entire life, I doubt I would like it.
As to kids, as you know, I have two. I never wanted any when I was younger but at some point I changed my mind. And you are right, you worry about them all the time but if you raise them right, the worries are less.

CyberKitten said...

Americans do certainly *seem* more emotional than us Brits but then we have a reputation for being particularly 'stoic' with our "stiff upper lip". I think German's have a rep for being unruffled in just about any circumstance too don't they? But I'm always very warry of national stereotypes - even if there's usually an *element* of truth in them....

The bra thing *always* makes me laugh. They want to show a woman in bed with someone but can't show anything - so they opt for a bra. Either dispense with the scene completely or have her wear a T-shirt of something. MUCH more believable!

There's ALWAYS music playing in my head. Mostly Classical these days as I'm enjoying listening to Classic FM on the radio.

Cool win for the Cash concert. Envious! Most of my winnings have been pretty small stuff - CD's, cash, cosmetics etc.. Probably my biggest win ever was £1500 on a Lottery scratch card. That came in very handy to pay a years tuition on my University course!!

I think with kids I'd always be second guessing myself and wondering if something I did or said (or didn't do or say) would 'damage' them in some way. I've known too many people who seem broken in ways large & small by their parents not to worry about such things. The only time I really gave it a LOT of thought was when my girlfriend thought she might be pregnant. About a week later she confirmed she wasn't. I surprised myself by feeling 90% relieved but 10% disappointed.

Marianne said...

I lived among Americans for almost two decades and they would cry for every little thing. And, of course, you are right, we shouldn't generalize but there are always certain things one nation is mor prone to do.

Yup, you are right, a T-shirt would be much, much more appropriate. I don't know any woman, myself included, who will not take off their bra as soon as possible, definitely in bed.

And yes, I was so happy about the Cash concert, of course it wasn't worth £1500 pounds in money but it might as well have been, it was fantastic!

It's always tough to know what is correct when raising kids. The best thing is trying to be yourself and giving them advice on how they can get on in life one day. I see many who don't even look at that, just want to pamper them as long as they are at home. And then wonder why they don't get on.

Your reaction showed that deep down you might not have minded, I guess. But I totally see your point.