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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Saturday, February 04, 2023

100 Questions – to get to know someone. 

41. Are you missing anyone right now? 

Not really. I do think of my ex from time to time (especially around her birthday in June) and I miss my cat sometimes but that’s about it.  

42. Do you smile at strangers as you walk by them? 

Yes, often if they smile first or whilst moving out of the way for them or holding doors, that sort of thing. You know, being polite & sociable. 

43. Do you think your life will change drastically before 2024? 

Difficult to say these days! I’m sure everyone who, asked in 2020, how they saw the next 5 years were all VERY wrong! 

44. How do you react when people talk badly about you? 

Mostly confused. Sometimes annoyed and a bit disappointed. 

45. Where did you get the shirt you are currently wearing? 

ASDA (essentially Wallmart here) on holiday years ago. It’s a T-shirt with the Muppets on. 

46. What has been your favourite gift you've been given? 

It’s easy to say books, but it’s probably more personal gifts from friends. 

47. If you had to delete one year out of your life completely, which would you choose? 

None, I don’t think. Like everyone I’ve had bad/poor experiences, but I don’t think I’ve had an entire year I’d want to delete. Plus, you can learn SO much from bad experiences if you have the courage and are willing to confront things about yourself. What doesn’t kill you can (in the right circumstances) make you stronger.  

48. What was your favourite thing about school? 

Learning stuff – duh. Plus friendships...

49. Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about? 

There’s plenty that happened in my past that I don’t talk about – mostly because it’d either be boring (for most people) or private/personal and, therefore, of no one else's business.  

50. Who was the last person you were on the phone with? 

My next-door neighbour who I texted asking if his Internet connection had dropped as mine had (for 2 hours on Thursday). 


Harvee44 said...

Interesting to get to know you! I think I'd delete the year 2020 from my life, willingly! Have a great week and year 2023.

CyberKitten said...

Thanks Harvee, and welcome back. I'm sure that I'll be posting things that interest you from time to time. Book reviews on Monday & Thursday with a scattering of other things throughout the week. I mostly post something twice a day presently - sometimes more often if something or some world event jumps out at me and I feel the need to respond.