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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

100 Questions – to get to know someone. 

61. What is one thing you love about yourself? 

Insatiable curiosity 

62. What is your biggest insecurity? 

Not being very practical. Not being able to cope very well with other people's emotions. Being made to look stupid in public.  

63. What is the title of your favourite book? 

Yeah, right..... As IF I could have ONE favourite book!! 

64. When was the last time you felt lost? 

Mildly, probably a few days ago....... 

65. Do you cry when you are angry? 

Not that I’m aware of. I tend not to get THAT angry as a rule. My anger is more like flowing lava. Slow and VERY destructive given time, although thankfully it generally doesn’t hang around very long. 

66. Are you excited about anything right now? 

Finally watching Series 4-6 of The Expanse on Amazon Prime. 

67. Nike or Adidas? 

Neither. Presently (when I go outside) wearing Skechers 

68. What is your comfort food? 

Food is my comfort food! 

69. Do you laugh at the number of this question? 

No, because I’m not a child. 

70. Where do go when you want to be alone? 

Home. It’s was always great to get back from work and just close the door and the world outside. I’m not sure what I’d do or what I’d be like if I couldn’t have my alone time. Although I hear that solitary confinement is pretty chilled.... 


Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

I definitely am a rage crier when I am worked up enough. Adidas Super Stars are my most favorite shoes ever.

CyberKitten said...

I used to wear (black or red) All Stars back in the day. Still have a pair somewhere - looking rather worn these days!

Marianne said...

I don't think I ever had "brand" shoes, I'm not into shoes at all, I buy the pair that fits and wear them until they fall apart. Honestly. I hate buying shoes.

And yes, home is the best place to go to when you want to be alone, even in a large family, there is always a place you can go to.

When I'm asked for my favourite book, I always mention "The Children's War" by J.N. Stroyar. It is a fantastic book, out of print, hardly anyone has read it and it still leads to great discussions.

CyberKitten said...

I'm a nightmare shoe shopper. I can take weeks picking a pair. I used to buy blue pumps only but that got really silly. Now I don't really care what colour they are - mostly. I go for style, comfort and especially price... then wear them to destruction!

It's not that I like being alone, or even need to be alone from time to time... I MUST be alone for my own sanity.

I'm afraid that I've never heard of J.N. Stroyar. The book is available on Amazon in reprint (1168 pages!!!) but is SUPER expensive.

Marianne said...

You are not the only one who has never heard of J.N. Stroyar. I got to her through a British online book club ages ago. It was sold out back then. I bought all three volumes (all of them huge) in used copies and anyone else who did this after hearing me going on about it loved it just as much.
Of course, that doesn't mean that I don't like other books just as much. If you're interested, have a look here.
And yes, the price of the reprinted copy is outrageous. But I believe it also shows that there is a demand for the book. Still, try used copies.
And I agree with you about nightmare shoe shopping. For me, it takes ages until I find a pair that is comfortable.

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

Chucks and Superstars are my faves. Otherwise I don't care about the brand.