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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Thursday, March 09, 2023


Stephen said...

That is...an interesting area below the cockpit. Doesn't look like glass, looks more flimsy. Rather hideous looking specimen on the whole!

CyberKitten said...

From Wiki:

The Farman F.220 and its derivatives were thick-sectioned, high-winged, four engined monoplanes from Farman Aviation Works. Based on the push-pull configuration proven by the F.211, design started in August 1925 and the first flight of the prototype was on 26 May 1932. The largest bomber to serve in France between the two world wars was the final F.222 variant.

The Farman F.222 was involved in a notable operation carried out by French fighter pilot James Denis. On 20 June 1940, realising that the Battle of France was lost, Denis borrowed a Farman F.222 from an airbase near Saint-Jean-d'Angély. He flew to Britain with twenty of his friends, and joined the Free French Air Force, in which service he subsequently became an ace, shooting down nine German aircraft.

I LOVE the idea that he "borrowed" the bomber to fly to England!!

As far as I know that IS glass - in place for the bombardier/navigator. Not sure if I'd like to be in there during COMBAT though! Yup - rather ugly. The French did have a rather 'unique' idea of style.. [grin]