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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Friday, March 31, 2023

Oh, GOOD GOD - FINALLY!!!! Of course this (first) case will run for years and he probably won't end up in prison... but still..... FINALLY!!


Stephen said...

This is an interesting situation. If the Democrats really wanted to make Trump a political nonentity, they'd stop talking about him incessantly. Their continue attacks on him continue to make him relevant. I don't know if they fire up the Democratic base or not, but national conservatives like the Republican base see him taking fire from the media and the dems and totally rally around the flag. Maybe that's the idea: just as Hilary Clinton or Biden would be dream candidates for Republicans to run against (being icons of the old establishment), I suspect Dems think their odds of running against the orange man are better than say, DeSantis, who shares Trump's flavor of nat-conservatism (and willingness to fight, which is more than can be said of the most of RepubliCorp), but doesn't have Trump's vanity and airheadedness. Certainly people who prefer DeSantis on the right will now be tempted to vote for Trump in the primaries just to say "Let's Go Brandon" to the establishment. The crime itself is a joke: a misdemeanor at best. He paid off a hooker? Tell me with a straight face Clinton and dozens of others haven't done the same. He did it with campaign funds? Oh nos. When Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, etc get put on trial for the murderous carnage they've sewn in the middle east and Africa the last thirty years, they'll have my attention. You and I both know that'll never happen. At best the history books in a century will treat them like they now treat McKinley and Teddy Roosevelt.

CyberKitten said...

Well, Cohen was jailed for the offence so there's no reason that Trump shouldn't be arrested & tried for it. Whether he did anything illegal is for a judge & jury to decide. I guess we'll see what he's being charged with and what the penalties are soon enough.

Do you think any of the possible crimes are too small to bother him with? Can/should the (so-called) rich and 'powerful' get away with the small stuff? Or his he to 'powerful' to be charged with anything?

Will this make him a martyr? I really don't care. Will his political star rise because of it?: ditto. Such considerations are/should be irrelevant to any possible prosecution. If he did the crimes he should do the time. End of.

Marian H said...

As Stephen put it, it's really hard for me to care about someone getting paid hush money when our country has committed heinous atrocities abroad. Nobody in US politics represents me, yet they expect me to care about this news? I am feeling very tired and apathetic.

CyberKitten said...

Oh, I think you can charge criminal ex-politicians AND look at/address atrocities abroad without too much extra effort involved, can't you? Or should criminal activity be ignored until after we've made the world a better place? I don't understand what you're proposing.... Surely addressing wrong-doing is a move towards a better world??

Marian H said...

We (nation-wise) have a finite amount of time and energy and attention, and we ought to focus it on the most urgent and grave matters first. I'd like to see better triage, not ignoring problems of any scale.

CyberKitten said...

True. The US does seem to be (largely) ignoring its biggest problems - probably hoping they'll go away or someone else will solve them... Or just assuming that nothing can be done so having just to live with it?

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

Unfortunately nothing will happen because mediocre white men are always protected by our justice system. Though it is safe to say he's not even mediocre. Or white. He's definitely orange.

I hate seeing his stupid face and wish the whole family would shut up and go away, but that would never happen either.

CyberKitten said...

We'll see. Maybe ONE of the cases coming forward will end up with jail time for him and other members of his family - until you get the next Republican President who'll pardon his ass for brownie points.....

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

EXACTLY. I don't know enough about the whole Stormy Daniels case to comment much on it, except for the fact that like you said, his lawyer went to jail for it, so he should too. But I am cautiously, slightly, faintly hopeful that the whole inciting-an-insurrection-against-your-own-government thing will bring actual serious charges. Fuck that guy and fuck his whole trash family. Such an embarassment that half of our fucking country was stupid enough to vote for him. Twice.

CyberKitten said...

Both my gaming pal and I say: BRAVO!

Marianne said...

What Sarah said. Whenever I see a Republican critizising the other politicians, it's often personal, but they don't care what their politicians do. If Obama had had three wives and all the mistresses in the world, what do you think they would have done about him? Let alone all the other atrocities like the storm on the Capitol ...

CyberKitten said...

I think a valid anagram of Republican is Hypocrite. Or maybe Blatant Hypocrite...

Marianne said...

Unfortunately, there is no y in Republican (and some other letters) but I still totally agree.

CyberKitten said...

I mean, I know that ALL politicians are liars by there very nature... But STILL....

Marianne said...

You are completely right there.