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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, April 16, 2023


James said...

The question is how do we keep the "problem people" from having guns without infringing on the rights of the rest of us? Plus what about all the other ways that "problem people" can make everyone's life miserable?
I grew up with guns in the house and I learned gun safety in the scouts at a young age, but I've never fired a gun outside of that training and have not owned a gun as an adult.

CyberKitten said...

As far as I can tell, 'mental health' as an excuse for mass shooting or even gun violence in general is a distraction. If mental health issues are the cause then it prompts the question: why is mental health SO much worse in the USA than ANYWHERE else in the world not actively at war with someone.

For example, the UK has about 1/6 the population of the US so, all other things being equal (which they're not of course) you'd expect [roughly] 1/6 of the mass shootings, right?

The US has have over 160 mass shootings THIS YEAR. We've had 7..... Since 1996.

Are you really THAT much of an outlier on MENTAL HEALTH?

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

Nope, we aren't. Mental health is part of it, but to my knowledge, these idiot rambos who want to cosplay as big guys with guns...they are not the well-regulated militia that our founding fathers envisioned.

CyberKitten said...

Funny how that bit always gets missed out.... or 'forgotten'.