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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

100 Questions – to get to know someone. 

81. If you could choose any person in the world to be president, who would you choose? Why? 

ONE person to be the President of the World? I think that’s much too big a job for ONE person. Maybe one from each Continent, plus one other? Something like that... Although I think a unified World Government is going to be a LONG time coming. 

82. Do you daydream often? 

Depends what you mean by ‘daydream’. Thinking out plans and possibilities? Sure. Kind of dreaming what I’d do if I won the Lottery? Not so much! 

83. Do you know how to change a tire? 

Theoretically, yes. At least I’ve seen people do it. I could probably do it if I really HAD to. 

84. Do you have a hidden talent? 

I have so few talents I don’t think it’s wise to HIDE any of them. Hence, ‘all’ of my talents tend to be on full display. 

85. Do you consider yourself artistic? 

Well, my drawing is OK but I can’t paint to save my life. I can hold a tune (apparently) but don’t play any instruments. I did enjoy when my boss gave me a task with the rider: be creative, so I’m probably better at that than being ‘artistic’ as such. 

86. What is something you can't live without? 

Food, Air, Water..... Books...... 

87. Can you name all 50 states? 

US States? Probably not. I might get 30 or so on a good day though. I also couldn’t name all of the counties in the UK. Over half – maybe.... 

88. Do you eat soup with a fork or a spoon? 

What? There are people who eat soup with a FORK? HOW!?! That must be THICK soup!! 

89. Do you remember your dreams? 

Only the really interesting ones. Most of them are too mundane to remember for long. I did enjoy a good few though – the WEIRD ones and the seemingly profound ones. I had an interesting one based in Hades and another where I was trapped on an alien planet which slowly ate all of my tech until I became part of its ecosystem. That was VERY interesting. My mind/brain can be very entertaining at times! 

90. Are you superstitious? 

No. I was that kid everyone knows who deliberately walks UNDER ladders. 13 is also one of my favourite numbers. 


Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

I don't understand the soup question. A soup thick enough for a fork isn't soup, it's like porridge. and that's still silly to eat with with a fork.

CyberKitten said...

Yes, the soup question totally confounded me too........ I used to make a mixture of soup & rice @ Uni to save money but that's still a spoonfest.

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

I feel like this needs to be investigated. I am thoroughly confused.

CyberKitten said...

Let us know what you find out... Or put the Munchkin on the case!

Stephen said...

I'm guessing they were thinking of something like vegetable or beef soup where you could use a fork to eat all the solid bits, and then (if you are at home, or immune to being thinking you're a barbarian) drink the soup.

CyberKitten said...

Possibly. We had a local meat/soup dish called 'Scouse' where you *could* use a spoon exclusively but a fork was useful picking out the chunky bits before switching to a spoon for the residue.