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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023


Hodja Effendi said...

So true!

CyberKitten said...

Thanks. Books people want to be banned should be high on peoples reading lists!

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

Yes!! I love that NYC publich libraries offered library cards to high schoolers all over the country, who can't get some of these books. I hate when people say, "Just because it isn't in a school library doesn't mean it is banned."

Um, YES, the fuck it does. What about the kids who can't afford to just go and buy the book? What about kids in small towns who may not have a library close by? Or are so small that the library has a liited selection? I fucking hate when people say these books are not banned. They absolutely ARE being banned. No one is else is EVER going to decide for my child what she can read, except ME. And she will read ALL the banned books.

CyberKitten said...

This is another one of those hypocritical things that bothers me. OK, fine... If you don't want YOUR child to read a certain book have at it. But what gives someone the right to stop MY child from reading that same book? I thought the GOP was all about Freedom and Responsibility? Oh, and AGAINST 'cancel culture'... Really?

Odd, isn't it, that policies like this ALWAYS seem to hit the poorest hardest. If it isn't difficult enough being poor - now you take BOOKS away too....