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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Wednesday, September 06, 2023

It seems that I'm a MILLIONAIRE.... Kind of....

Well, that both took a while and was really much faster than expected. I've just passed the MILLION hit mark on this Blog. These are the scores as of about 15 minutes ago.

All Time 1000024

Today 1985

Yesterday 2751

This Month 16234

Last Month 35509

I didn't think I'd make it this year, but there's been a sustained hit rate about 20x the average for a while now, so it's HAPPENED! Sure, it took one month shy of 18 years to achieve but still.... Yeah!


Stephen said...

Congratulations! I still get wigged out when I realize how old the internet is, nevermind how old our blogs are.

Marian H said...

Wow, nice!! 18 years, that's incredible.

I started my blogging journey in 2009 ish but unfortunately I've changed URLs so many times my counter would be missing some years. :P

Helen said...

Congratulations - that's very impressive! I'm even more impressed that you've had your blog for 18 years. Mine will be 14 years next month and I thought that was a long time!

CyberKitten said...

@ Stephen: Thanks. Yup... OLD. I remember back in my day I was a member of the school computer club with zero computers. We sent our 'programs' to be run on a mainframe using PUNCH cards! [lol]

@ Marian: Time FLIES. Most of my friends who started Blogging around the same time have stopped now. I just kept finding more stuff to post and more people to chat to.

@ Helen: Congrats on 14 years! It's great when Blogs have a longevity and you can build up relationships with people. I'm sure we've both had lots of fun times and learnt lots of new things (including the all important book recommendations!) because of it.

A Million hits is great. I never thought I'd ever get anything like that - even after this length of time. My average hit rate is usually 150-200 on a good day but I do get my peaks when the Google spiders march through twice a year or so. But lately (for an unknown reason) I've regularly hit 1500-2000 a day... Weird....

VV said...

Congratulations! I’ve been reading you nearly that long. My blogging began about a year after you, but I haven’t kept up with mine.

CyberKitten said...

Life has a habit of getting in the way of Blogging.....

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

I wish I had found your blog sooner! I have been blogging for almost twenty years but the one before my book blog were more personal. ATBBNAT is only eight years old, she's a baby compared to yours!

CyberKitten said...

My Blog used to be very different... More wordy as I developed what passes for a 'style'.. [grin] I like the way its turning out though.

Eight years dedicated to *anything* is nothing to be sneezed at these days!! [grin]