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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

10 Year Challenge Book Tag 2023 

Another fun Book Tag from Marianne over at "Let’s Read". So, lets crack on with it...! 

What was your favourite book in 2013? 

Echo City by Tim Lebbon 

A Night to Remember by Walter Lord 

What is your favourite book of 2023 (so far)? 

Night Train to Lisbon by Pascal Mercier 

In the Shadows of the American Century – The Rise and Decline of US Global Power by Alfred W McCoy 

What was your least favourite book in 2013? 

Conquest by Stewart Binns 

The Pursuit of Happiness – A History from the Greeks to the Present by Darrin McMahon   

What is a book published in 2013 that you still want to read? 

I have zero idea, as I have no idea what was published in 2013. It’s not something that I really think about. No doubt that I have a (large?) number of books in various piles published 10 years ago, but I have no idea which they are without looking. 

What is the book published (to be published) in 2023 you want to get before 2024? 

As I (mostly) buy paperbacks I’m not 100% sure that I have any/many books published in 2023, so it’d be pretty impressive if I managed to read one in the next 8-9 weeks left in this year. So far, the most ‘up to date’ book I’ve read this year was published in 2021, but I do have one coming up fairly soon that was published in 2022. 

What is a genre you used to read a lot of that you don’t read as much of anymore? 

I think my reading is generally consistent. I did think that I don’t read much SF anymore but discovered recently that I’ve read 10 this year which isn’t bad. I went off Urban Fantasy around 10-12 years ago and haven’t gone back, although I might pick up a few to read next year – maybe. Likewise, I read very little Fantasy these days, but I’ve never been a particularly huge fan of that genre. I used to read a fair bit of Philosophy years back – obviously during my Uni course and for some years afterwards and I keep meaning to get back to that. Again, maybe next year!   

What is a new genre you’ve discovered since 2013? 

Not a discovery as such, but I am enjoying reading more Biographies as well as Social History. Definitely more of both to come. 

What is a reading or book habit you are hoping to leave behind in this decade? 

My present reading go-slow. It’s quite ANNOYING. I wish I could get back to 100 pages a day again... 

What is a new reading goal or habit you want to create in the upcoming decade? 

FOCUS. Much as I like being a literary butterfly hopping from topic to topic and never hanging around in one subject or genre for very long, I’d really like to settle for a while and really dig into a subject. That’s one of the things I have planned going forward from next year – DEEP dives! It’ll be at least 2-3 books on a single subject read in quick succession (although not always in direct sequence). I already have some topics lined up I’m looking forward to...  


Marian H said...

100 pages a day! Your "go-slow" must be my "go-fast." XD (Although there was a time I could blitz through a Dickens novel.)

I'm with you on deep dives. Whenever I've done this, it's much more fulfilling than reading a single book on the topic in isolation. We must follow Stephen's lead! :)

CyberKitten said...

I have peaked at over 160 from time to time - but the last time THAT happened was a very lazy summer Saturday & it was a very gripping book! My *aim* is 70 pages per day, but I'll accept 60 with a base of 50 as long as I don't make a habit of it!

I have a few 'deep dive' ideas bubbling under. One is 3 books on Whales, which will be different!! I also have a few 'twin-reads' on topics from The Charge of the Light Brigade to US Foreign Policy and American isolationism.... [grin]

Marianne said...

Thanks for picking this up, Kitten. It's always interesting to see what others do with this challenge.

I totally agree with you wanting to go back to 100 pages a day, I have that same intention but don't seem to get there anymore. Maybe it's part of getting older? ;)

And I'm happy that one of your favourite books this year is Night Train to Lisbon. I read this in 2010 and it is still one of my favourite books. Just read another one by Pascal Mercier but that, sadly, has not been translated into English. Yet, I hope.

CyberKitten said...

I do hope that not being able to read 100 pages per day is part of getting old! [lol]. I think its that I'm much more distractable because I've got more time to do things now I'm not @ work - so I spend more time actually doing those other things - rather than reading. I do feel as if I'm in a bit of a rut though - so maybe getting out of it will help. Inevitably, I have PLANS about that!

'Night Train' was honestly one of the best books I've read in YEARS - possibly one of the best books I've *ever* read! I'm just sorry that it took me so long to get to it after buying it years ago. I'll definitely be looking for some of his others - translated of course!!

Marianne said...

That is probably the reason for me, as well. Since hubby retired, we do a lot more stuff during the day. But yes, plans are always good, what becomes of them, not always. LOL

And I totally agree about Night Train. As I said, still one of my favourites. His other books are also brilliant, and quite a few translated (as you can see on my page if you follow the link above, I have a special tag for the author) but my first by him is still my favourite. Could be because it was the first, though, but the others are all totally great.

Stephen said...

Boy, if you're not focused then what am I?! Over the years I've found myself embracing more of your 2-3 set idea.

Stephen said...

@ Marian "We must follow Stephen's lead! :)"

Hah! What can I say? Sometimes I just get a trifle obsessed...

CyberKitten said...

I do/did like my short sharp 'Book Blitzes' which will morph (next year!) into my 'Deep Dives'. They'll be 2 book minimum looks at a topic - a person, period or place etc that I'm interested in and already have a few books on. Whales will definitely be early on the list and I'd like to read a few (or more) of the Tank books I picked up earlier this year - although, no doubt, its a topic that doesn't float many people's boats!

Inevitably I have more double reads than anything else, but I do have 5-6 on Dunkirk (for example). Not sure if I could read ALL 5-6 in a row though!! One of the ideas I've been thinking of is two books on the same subject written years (or decades) apart to see how views have changed on the subject....