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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, February 11, 2024


Stephen said...

I'm convinced that a redneck-hippie romance could be written. Both could be into hating the state, into being anti-consumerist, into gardening, etc. People are far more interesting than the cartoons.

Stephen said...

Dollars to donuts the average redneck spends more time working with blacks, latinos, etc than the smug pricks who mock us.

CyberKitten said...

Well, cartoons are essentially stereotypes expanded enough for enhanced comic effect. We could do something similar here with a Brexiteer and a Remainer....

Thankfully people are (generally) a *bit* more nuanced that how they're presented in cartoons...!! But stereotypes do exist (and are universally recognised) for a reason.

I have seen several charts/reports about cross belief relationships. It appears that parents on both sides of the present political divide (no doubt on *both* sides of the pond) are less than enthused about their little darlings pairing up with their VERY opposite numbers. It would appear that 'silos' go much, much deeper than just Facebook groups....