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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Tuesday, March 05, 2024


Stephen said...

Indeed, no one, not a one, informed thee life would be this manner...

CyberKitten said...

OK....... [lol]

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

I'm still heartbroken. I've never cried as much over a celebrity death as I did Matthew Perry. I've let Eleanor start watching the show, we are on season five already.

VV said...

They’re still beautiful people in any era.

CyberKitten said...

@ Sarah: It was rightly an iconic series and a BIG part of the lives of a lot of people.

@ V V: Indeed they are. I'm most impressed by Joey & Phoebe in these shots. The Beatles will be soon - as promised!!

Stephen said...

@Cyberkitten I was trying to formalize part of the opening lyrics -- "So n one told you life was going to be this way--"

CyberKitten said...

Ah.... I (obviously) missed that... [grin]

Stephen said...

Once you've watched enough Friends theme parodies the lyrics take up permanent residence, I'm afraid. Granted, it was not a very good attempt. I should have out-sourced to BIng. Let's see....

"Verily, no one did apprise thee that life would unfold thus,
Thy vocation, a jest; thy coffers bereft; thy love life, deceased.
Thou art akin to a perpetual cog in the second wheel,
When neither day, nor week, nor month, nor even year hath favored thee, yet
I shall stand by thy side,
(When the heavens weep their tears)
I shall stand by thy side,
(Like I have stood aforetime)
I shall stand by thy side,
(For thou art also by mine)
Thou remaineth abed at the stroke of ten, whilst labor commenced at eight,
Thy morning repast, now naught but cinders, yet fortune smiles upon thee.
Thy mother forewarned of days such as these,
Yet she omitted to reveal that when the world hath cast thee low, to thy knees,
I shall stand by thy side,
(When the heavens weep their tears)
I shall stand by thy side,
(Like I have stood aforetime)
I shall stand by thy side,
(For thou art also by mine)"

CyberKitten said...

[shakes head] [laughs] [shakes head some more]