Fuck yeah. If parents want to make decisions about what their own children read, that's fine. But NO ONE is going to tell MY child what she can't read.
I've never understood how the so-called champions of freedom & *personal* responsibility are all too eager to tell *other* people what they can and cannot do. Sure, *try* to restrict your *own* child's reading (if you CAN) but keep you sticky fingers off MY child's books!
Fuck yeah. If parents want to make decisions about what their own children read, that's fine. But NO ONE is going to tell MY child what she can't read.
I've never understood how the so-called champions of freedom & *personal* responsibility are all too eager to tell *other* people what they can and cannot do. Sure, *try* to restrict your *own* child's reading (if you CAN) but keep you sticky fingers off MY child's books!
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