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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Friday, May 31, 2024


Stephen said...

I'm reading a novel right now that is set immediately after the Great War and mentions pilots mixing it up with Jerries over the channel. Seems a bit more like a WW2 allusion....I know the Germans sent Gotha bombers over, but haven't really encountered a lot of cross-channel combat in my previous WW1 air war reading. Going to dig into it furher!

CyberKitten said...

I certainly haven't heard of anything like dog-fighting in the Channel during WW1. The Germans did indeed send over bombers (later on) and zeppelins (earlier) but fighters on both sides were *very* short range compared to WW2. It sounds like someone didn't do enough research & has gotten their wars mixed up!

Stephen said...

Fortunately, this isn't military historical fiction, more social. I doubt most of her readers will be fact-checking. Interestingly, the beaching of a U-boat in Sussex is part of the story.


Of course, her town has a different name than Hastings.

CyberKitten said...

I posted a piccy of the submarine - or at least *a* beached submarine here:


Stephen said...

That's the one! Same number, just a different angled shot.