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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, June 02, 2024


Marianne said...

Well, that's alright then. Grrr

CyberKitten said...

I think short-termism will be the death of all of us. Rather predicably I have a book round-about that in my 'read soon' pile about being a good ancestor to future generations. Not sure if I'll get around to it *this* year - but reasonably soon(ish).

Marianne said...

I just read "On the Beach" with my online book club. Should be required reading for everyone.

CyberKitten said...

Oh, that's a great novel. Pretty good movie too.

Oddly, I'm just about to finish a really good (and disturbing!) book about nuclear accidents...!

Marianne said...

I totally agree about the book. Haven't seen the movie.

Anything we read about nuclear power or weapons is disturbing.

CyberKitten said...

I checked today, and I'm around 80Km from the nearest nuclear power station - which isn't *too* bad if anything goes wrong.... But then I remember the spread of radiation from Chernobyl... Weird reading about events you remember watching on TV....

Marianne said...

Germany has closed down all the nuclear power stations but since we have nine neighbours, the next one is never too far away.

CyberKitten said...

Yes, I was reading about the German response to various nuclear accidents in my recent book. Presumably there's going to be a *big* push for more renewables like wind & solar?

Marianne said...

Yes, of course. We have plenty of windmills (the newer version) all around the country and everyone is encouraged to get solar cells on their houses and factories etc. And there are a lot. I am sure we will be able to get most of our energy from renewable sources in the near future.

CyberKitten said...

I *really* like wind generators. I remember hearing that they were noisy, which is why some people didn't like any near them. On holiday in Portugal years ago with my ex I persuaded her to stop driving so we could go look at some *close* up. We were able to get close enough for me to touch one. As we talked about it - going whoosh, whoosh above my head - we spoke in a normal volume and I could clearly hear a grasshopper at my feet. Noisy? Certainly not!

Marianne said...

We have lots and lots around here. I couldn't find a number for our district but there are 6169, more than a fifth of the 28.677 in Germany, in Lower Saxony, our state. I pass by some almost every time I leave the town, and I've never been bothered by them. On the contrary, I'm happy for every single one of them because they mean environmental protection.

Marianne said...

We have lots and lots around here. I couldn't find a number for our district but there are 6169, more than a fifth of the 28.677 in Germany, in Lower Saxony, our state. I pass by some almost every time I leave the town, and I've never been bothered by them. On the contrary, I'm happy for every single one of them because they mean environmental protection.

CyberKitten said...

I'm definitely a fan [grin]. I think they're elegant - beautiful even...

Marianne said...

Same here. I love the old ones but I love the new ones just the same.