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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, June 02, 2024


Marianne said...

And, yet, they will not listen.

CyberKitten said...

Indeed. Nothing gets in the way of 'freedom', not even the bodies of young children.

I posted it is response to the shooting in Ohio yesterday. I have a Rule here: If a US mass shooting is reported by the BBC I have to post something. I was going to say "I don't make the Rules...", but as I *do* make the Rules.... I'm kinda stuck [grin]

Marianne said...

Good rule.

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

I was pregnant with Eleanor in December of 2012 when Sandy Hook happened. I was at work, and my students were at Specials when the news was breaking. I watched the footage and sobbed the entire day, feeling so guilty that this was the world I was bringing my baby into. And when nothing changed in the aftermath, I knew nothing ever would. We decided that these little bodies being destroyed beyond recognition was an acceptable price to pay for anyone to be able to own semi-automatic weapons and it is absolutely sickening. I hate it here.

Marianne said...

That must have been so terrible.

CyberKitten said...

I was SO angry when *nothing* happened afterwards - except for the same old lame arguments. Like you I thought 'If *THIS* doesn't change anything, then nothing will'... and nothing has changed. Meanwhile the whole world looks on saying W-T-F...

Marianne said...

There are just too many people out there who get filthy rich with selling weapons.