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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Saturday, June 08, 2024

Happy Birthday: Tomaso Giovanni Albinoni (8 June 1671 – 17 January 1751) was an Italian composer of the Baroque era. His output includes operas, concertos, sonatas for one to six instruments, sinfonias, and solo cantatas. While famous in his day as an opera composer, he is known today for his instrumental music, especially his concertos. He is best remembered today for a work called "Adagio in G minor", attributed to him but largely written by Remo Giazotto, a 20th century musicologist and composer, who was a cataloguer of the works of Albinoni.


VV said...

That’s beautiful. 💗

CyberKitten said...

Isn't it just!! Its *probably* my favourite piece of Classical music - definitely in my Top 5. I *think* I first heard it in the movie 'Rollerball' and fell in love with it - then heard it playing in a Video store and **demanded** to know what it was - and then bought the CD on the spot. I probably have at least 8-10 versions of it.

VV said...

I felt that way about Pachebel’s canon. 💗

CyberKitten said...

That's another excellent piece of music...