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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Ooooh... I LIKE that...... 


Marianne said...

So true. No, a vote is not a valentine. Although we would love it to be, right?

CyberKitten said...

If *only*....! [lol]

I find these days that it's more often a vote *against* the other guy...

Marianne said...

Unfortunately yes.

Stephen said...

There's a great twitter post I screen-shotted that said "Idolizing a politician is like believing a stripper loves you".

CyberKitten said...

I have that meme in my collection.... [grin] SO true!

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

So true. It's just incredibly frustrating to see that the Dems had four years to build up a younger generation of candidates. But trump can't be president again. It will not end well for us.

CyberKitten said...

Interesting times all round I think!

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

I'd lke to say we've had a good run, but US history isn't exactly a shining beacon for humanity. I guess we just have to vote for Biden and then do what the Dems should've done during his first term and have viable candidates ready for 2028. trump can't get back into office, he just can't.

CyberKitten said...

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. If the French can keep the fascists out, I'm sure that the US can.

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

Well, after yesterday I fear a trump victory is now certain. And we are not going to survive another four year of him.

CyberKitten said...

I don't understand why people would be more likely to vote for him just because of a failed assassination. He's still the same 'person' he was before. Nothing else has changed. If he *does* win.... Well, all bets are off really. I guess we'll see just how much stress testing your country can cope with - or not....

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

Because they see him now as an almost-martyr and look, he was almost murdered trying to save our country and blah blah fucking blah. So anyone who might have been on the fence about voting for him can probably be convinced that he is the right choice because he was nearly killed and the bad guys want to keep him quiet and more blah blah fucking blah.

And I absolutely HATE how his media support is yelling about "political violence" and how this is so terrible. His supporters literally went to the capitol to try to stop our government from doing its job. They wanted to hang the vice president. Can you even imagine what would've happened to Pelosi, AOC, or any of the Squad, had his supporters found them?? The footage of that day is HORRIFIC and VIOLENT, and now they want to say this is so unusual? They started this and now want to play the victim. It will be interesting to see what info comes out about the shooter. I've avoided the news so far because I am just so fucking mad.

CyberKitten said...

..and just think.... there's still 4 months to the election.... and then 2 more months to the inauguration... what could *possibly* happen?

That's one reason why I like our elections. A 6 WEEK campaign followed by a change of administration over a period of a few hours to allow the furniture movers to do their job & for the new guy to officially pick up the post from the King. Easy peesy...

Oh, and we haven't had a PM (potential or otherwise) assassinated since Spencer Perceval in May 1812.

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

It's fucking terrifying. I wish there was a cap on all of this campaign b.s. It's so exhausting and it's all about the money.

Our last president was assassinated in 1963, and Ford, Reagan, and W all had attempts made on their lives while in office. I had completely forgotten about the W one, in 2005. So, it's not like we are super far emoved this garbage.

But I also don't have sympathy for him. He and his colleagues don't care when children are massacreed in our schools.

CyberKitten said...

The assassination attempt doesn't surprise me in the least. The most surprising thing about it is that it took so long. The toxic political rhetoric in your country is off the charts - so it shouldn't surprise anyone that some idiot reaches for his gun... most especially in a country drowning in them.

Marianne said...

I wouldn't be surprised if it was his own idea.

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

It houldn't surprise anyone at all - especially because trump has repeatedly incited violence.

It looked so ridiculous and staged. How did people not run? Everyone just ducked and then started recording. There's no way I hear gunshots and just sit there. And the fact that Secret Service even let him get his fucking shoes, AND raise his head up above them? Not protocol AT ALL. They're supposed to basically throw him to the ground and cover him until the immediate known threat is neautralized, then cover him completely and get him to the vehicle. yet this dumbass is allowed to show off his bloody face and fist pump.

Given that a man died however, I don't think it was staged and others were critically injured, I don't think it was staged. Although it's not like trmpu would care if anyone died while he was trying to shore up a vicory by making himself look like an almost-martyr.

I hate it here.

CyberKitten said...

It might slow down my typing a bit and I might struggle with shoe laces... But I'll keep my fingers crossed for you guys until November is out of the way.

Marianne said...

I'm sure you can guess my first thoughts when I read about it. It comes soooo conveniently, I'd not be surprised if it was their plan.