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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

I've seen FAR too many movies, read FAR too many books and played FAR too many computer games to go through that door without a backpack full of survival gear, a loaded shotgun and a silver edged axe...  


Stephen said...

One of my favorite sites in RDR2 is a cabin on a hillside, overlooking a meadow. It's lovely. No matter how many times one re-plays the game, you will never open that front door more than once.

(Grizzly jump scare + pretty much unavoidable death. I accidentally avoided it by running into the house from behind while chasing a deer, and noticing a lot of paw prints and blood...)

CyberKitten said...

I remember in Doom I always opened a door, threw in a grenade, waited for it to go off and if I didn't hear anything screaming ran in and sprayed the room on full-auto... If I DID hear anything screaming, and it didn't look like it was coming out I'd just throw in some more grenades.....

Oh, and of course quick save it *before* you opened the door - just in case!

Stephen said...

Absolutely! That grenade trick also works in Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. Chuck a grenade, spray the Germans who run out.

Btw, have you seen this:


Interested in the premise, but's it's near a thousand pages. O_O

CyberKitten said...

I'm a firm believer in the old adage that you can never be too good looking, too rich or too heavily armed...

Yup - Saw that chunky boy. There's some LARGE books on the Napoleonic Wars out there! I have one - MUCH shorter - coming up... I really need to learn more about them apart from Sharpe novels! [grin]

VV said...

Having just finished _The Saint of Bright Doors_, I would have to agree with you.

VV said...

I also read _The Ten Thousand Doors of January_ which I liked a lot more than Bright Doors.

CyberKitten said...

Thanks! I'll check them out... [grin] I have seen a few covers with single doors, just hanging/sitting there with mysterious overtones. Sounds like its a theme... [grin]

Marianne said...

Makes me think of one of my favourite animated films: Monsters Inc. LOL

CyberKitten said...

Indeed with the standalone doors... BRILLIANT movie.