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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

The 'Internet of Things'? Oh, NO thank you..... I'd really like to get into my house or turn on a light without wondering if Windows has had a dodgy update or not.....


VV said...

I’m rapidly becoming anti- all “smart” devices.

CyberKitten said...

Its a good attitude to have. I have zero desire to have the latest gizmo. Some of my friends, for example, change their phones because the 'new' one has BEVELLED EDGES.... Now *there's* a MUST have feature! [lol] The only reason I changed my last phone was because 3G was being switched off and it couldn't handle 4G. When they switch off 5G I'll get a new phone (if I'm still alive by then).

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

I will starve before I ever get a smart fridge. This is the absolute dumbest thing ever. I barely tolerate my phone.

CyberKitten said...

You are SO a woman after my own heart! [rotflmao] If someone is tracking my phone in the belief that they're tracking *me* - good luck with that. The only time I take my phone out with me is when I'm meeting someone. The rest of the year its sitting in my lounge (as it is now) a few feet away from my sofa.

The last thing I need in my life is a fridge pointing out that my diet is shit and I need to drink more fruit juice.