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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Thursday, July 04, 2024

The New Statesman Predicts...

The pollsters and pundits have been predicting a Labour landslide and a Tory wipe-out for weeks now, and we should know how right (or wrong!) they are at some point tomorrow. From what I've just seen the predictions are:

Labour: 418 seats

Conservative: 114 seats

Liberal Democrat: 63 seats

Reform: 6 seats

Greens: 4 seats

It'll be interesting to see how accurate this is by this time tomorrow! The talk is of the worst Tory result since the 1930's. If things go REALLY bad it might be their worst result since they were founded in the 19th century. Personally I'm going to enjoy staying up and watching it happen, most especially when cabinet members lose their seats.. Sorry and all that, but its my idea of FUN.

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