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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

What Wednesday? 31-07-2024 (Stolen from Stephen over @ reading Freely) 

What Have You Finished Reading Recently? 

The last book I finished was ‘Off The Map – Lost Spaces, Invisible Cities, Forgotten Islands, Feral Places and What They Tell Us About the World’ by Alastair Bonnett. Both eye & world opening. 

What Are You Currently Reading? 

I’m just over half way through ‘On the Road’ by Jack Kerouac. Interesting & Different! 

What Are You Reading Next? 

I’m already about 25 pages in, but my next read will be ‘Islands of Abandonment – Life in the Post-Human Landscape’ by Cal Flyn. Looks FUN!  


Stephen said...

I tried to read On the Road back in high school because it was mentioned in a YA novel I was reading, but I couldn't get into it. Ditto when I tried in college. Took me a few tries to finish Catch-22, though, so I may beat it yet. First book sounds most interesting!

CyberKitten said...

The Kerouac is definitely a slow read, but I can see why it became a 60's classic for the counter-culture & why my itchy-footed Uni friend liked it so much. Personally I'm not much of a fan, but its safe from being DNF'd.

'Off the Map' is *very* good. It really shows that, despite Google maps etc there's still a lot of odd places out there that don't quite 'fit'. I think you'd like it.