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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

I too worry about the level of human stupidity... For example, THIS guy is swimming (quite possibly in the French Olympics) in a *chlorinated* pool. It looks like he's just finished his race and is, therefore, washing off the chlorine with fresh water from the bottle. They are NOT the same water types! As anyone who swims in such pools knows, chlorine STINGS so washing the face reduces said sting in eyes, nose and mouth. Its a bit like swimming in the sea... If you're thirsty you don't think: hey, I'm swimming in WATER so why not just take a slurp of that....? Well, I guess that you COULD, but I wouldn't recommend it....    


Stephen said...

Eh, beats a dude wearing a baseball cap backwards shielding his eyes from the Sun with his hand.

CyberKitten said...

Being 'stylish' is important... [lol]

Marianne said...

I totally understand why he does that and would have never gotten the idea it was stupid. But some people can't think.

CyberKitten said...

Me too, I always hated being in chlorinated water and washed my face at the earliest opportunity. Critical skills do seem to be sadly lacking!

Marianne said...


Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

Do...do people not know you can't drink pool water? And that chlorine can sting? And that fresh water is not what the pool is filled with? Like, come on. This picture makes sense even if you have only one brain cell.

CyberKitten said...

Someone else was probably using it when this meme was created!