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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

It's like when my dental hygienist recommended that I stop drinking Coke/Pepsi. I told her that I'd been drinking it for almost 60 years, so I wasn't going to stop now.... 


Marianne said...

My doctor once told me sitting in the office all day long wasn't good for my back. I replied that my hairdresser always got the complaint from her doctor that she was standing too much. And my husband wouldn't be pleased if I pursued a "lying business" (I don't know wether that's an expression in English but we call it that in German.) So, there was nothing I could do. ;)

CyberKitten said...

The Health & Safety person @ work *really* didn't like my office chair (we used to get cast-offs or designs we tried out but decided not to go with) but said that I was sitting in it so rarely and moving about in it so much when I was at my desk that it probably didn't cause me *too* much trouble.

It's true though. Doctor's advice is often contradictory. Essentially they suggest that you should stop doing what you're doing - *whatever* that is! Oh, and drink more water... that too! [lol]

Marianne said...

True, even if you drink like a hundred litres a day, it's never enough.
When I started working, I was sitting on a kitchen chair and had to type on a mechanical typewriter, of course.