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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

As it's now September and the kids go back to school shortly... I'm dedicating the month here @ SaLT to Teachers, Education and Learning.... So, let's go LEARN stuff...!!


Harvee said...

Nice one.

CyberKitten said...

Teaching is HARD and they certainly don't get anywhere near enough appreciation. I've been out of full-time education for a LONG time, but I still value what they did for me. Several of them certainly encouraged me to read more as a child for which I'm forever grateful.

Marianne said...

More gun control would be better than arming teachers.

CyberKitten said...

Indeed! If they don't already have (more than) enough to do!

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

I can not even begin to tell you how absolutely and completely stuoid the argument is to arm teachers. For seven years I taught in a self-contained Behavior Skills Program (BSP) classroom. Kids in 4-6 with self-control and anger-management issues stemming from a wide variety of diagnoses - PTSD, ADHD, ODD, etc.

But putting a gun in the mix is a superb idea right? Here are the options for how this will work:

1. The gun is locked away in one place and the bullets are in another. A kid somehow gets the keys, gets the bullets and gun, and shoots people.

2. The gun is locked away in one place and the bullets are in another. A shooter comes into our room and shoots people because I did not have time to unlock both secret cabinets and load the gun.

3. I carry the gun on me at all times. A kid gets the gun and shoots people.

On what planet are any of these a viable option?

I hate this country's obsession with guns. I wish Obama was still "coming for them" like they believed in 2008 and 2012 *massive eyeroll SO HARD THAT MY EYES FALL OUT OF MY HEAD*

CyberKitten said...

*Exactly* my thoughts. SO **obviously** a BAD BAD idea! Plus I BET they'd expect/demand that the teachers buy their own guns and pay for any training out of their own pockets!!

Marianne said...

There is still another option. A teacher gets treated so badly by its students that he goes crazy and shoots them. I think that would be understandable but let's not tempt fate.

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

Well, we just had our 45th school shooting of the 2024 yesterday. Two teachers and two students dead. Students had to be instructed during the evacuation to keep looking up, because they had to pass the dead body of one of their teachers, with blood pooling out from under the sheet. A quote from law enforcement today said, “Emotions were very high obviously – but we told them that we love them,” he said at a news conference. “We love our teachers and what they do. And we’re very happy at the fact that they stood in the gap between evil to protect their children" and it pisses me off. Teachers should not have to be doing this. I should not have to choose between protecting my students and going home to MY CHILD. I fucking hate this country.