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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Friday, September 13, 2024


Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

YES!!! How it is a girl's fucking fault that boys can't have bare shoulders around them without getting distracted? It infuriates me. That sounds like a personal problem to me, and maybe the boys need to be sent home instead.

CyberKitten said...

When I was in 6th Form (16-18) a girl in our year was sent home for wearing trousers in the WINTER when the rules said skirts only. The female teachers however COULD wear trousers. We thought this was unfair and was probably because the male teachers liked looking at their legs. So, we went on strike and refused to attend classes until the rule was changed. 48 hours later they changed the rules.

That was one of three times we told the school admin we weren't taking their shit. We refused to wear uniform when a new Headmaster decided it was a good idea - with ONE year to go! We also refused to be school prefects as did the 5th form below us. The 4th formers agreed to do it, but we simply ignored them because at that age we were about twice their body weight so just pushed them out of the way when they tried to enforce bullshit rules we didn't agree with.... Comprehensive (state working class) schools in the 1970's were FUN... [lol]

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

I love this!! Thank you <3

I also think a big part of the problem has less to do with the male students than it has to do with some of the male teachers, which sounds like a staff issue to be handled by admins weeding them out, not by punishing students.