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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024


Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

Right? If only the guns are responsible for the 45TH SCHOOL SHOOTING OF 2024, then they don't need people to fire them. I am so fucking livid. I don't fucking care about some idiot wannabe GI-Joe who thinks he has the right to a semi-automatic weapon. Our founding fathers had FUCKING MUSKETS. I just CAN'T with these 2A MORONS.

CyberKitten said...

Of course we're hearing the same old arguments against ANY changes to the law, its a mental health issue, arm the teachers, violent video games etc, etc, etc... and, as usual, NOTHING will be done.... Rinse & repeat.

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

Yep. And while I agree that mental health is part of the issue, it is only part. The bigger issue is the completel lack of uniformity of gun laws. I am not against people owning guns, but there is zero fucking need for anyone to own a semi-automatic weapon. So often 2A-ers talk about hunting and blah blah - what idiot would hunt with an semi-automatic? Literally none, because it would obliterate whatever was being hunted. Just like the bodies of all the children are obliterated over and over and over, so much so, that they can only be identified by shoes and dental records. I fucking hate it here.

CyberKitten said...

There are SO many crazy things about your gun laws (and your COUNTRY) its hard to know where to start. There's still plenty that *could* be done just by enforcing the existing laws... But, unfortunately, too many people think that mass shootings are just a 'fact of life'... Just nowhere else on the planet that isn't actually a friggin WAR ZONE.

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

People here who say we can't fix it either don't realize that each state has its own laws and that there is no uniformity, or cimply don't care because they think they should get to have semi-autmatic weapons. 2A-ers always use Chicago as an example, saying Chicago has the strictest gun laws, yet is among the highest rates of gun violence in the country. Know why? Because right next door in Indiana, gun laws are super lax. It's not hard to see where the guns are mainly coming from.