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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Friday, October 04, 2024


Stephen said...

The mask boxes literally said "These masks do not stop the spread of diseases". Health theater at best unless someone is wearing K95s or whatever. They stop spit and that's about it, so don't kiss sick people. :p

CyberKitten said...

Then why do doctors & nurses wear masks? Is that 'theatre' too? Masks have been shown to *reduce* transmission - if worn properly and not just as a chin guard. They don't make you immune to everything in the air, but they do cut the odds of you picking anything up. Prior to the vaccines they were certainly a better than nothing stop-gap at keeping people healthy.

Re: Horror movies. It always made me laugh/groan when people - after hearing about mysterious gruesome deaths in their neighbourhood walk into dark rooms.... backwards..... [lol]

Stephen said...

Doctors wore masks in surgery because they were operating on open bodies and didn't want to transfer containment from one to the other. As for why they still wear them -- security blanket, security theater, etc. Habits of domination. They never wore them before, and at the beginning of the pandemic Fauci told people NOT to buy the masks. The only thing those masks are capable of stopping is water-born particles, so don't kiss or let sick people spit on you. ;) What I don't understand is people wearing masks over their faces but not their noses --- when they don't have to. I did that when we HAD to, as a practical bit of rebellion that let me breathe, but doing it when people believe in masks is nonsensical.

CyberKitten said...

I imagine that the public were initially told not to buy masks so that medical & other personnel could get them as they needed them far more. Once the supply chain was sorted, and we knew more about the bug itself, people were encouraged to wear them because they had become (relatively) easier to get. I had a few dust masks (still in their plastic) so I was OK until I could buy more from Amazon. Always useful to have a few about the place. I always used N95's. Here you had to wear them (at least at first) in shops & on public transport so I always had one handy in my back pocket.