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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, December 01, 2024


Marianne said...

She is so right. They are pro-birth and against women. Nothing Christian about it.

CyberKitten said...

Indeed. If they were as 'pro-life' as they say they are they'd be doing a LOT more for children *after* they were born...

Marianne said...

I always say that. We have way fewer abortions over here because we educate the kids and then we help those who have children. Problem solved.

CyberKitten said...

Yup. Decent sex education & health advice. Access to contraception... Decent child care provision... Its not rocket science.

Marian H said...

I'm pro-life and Christian, but I would certainly agree that many (most?) pro-lifers aren't thinking about it holistically, e.g. how much slaughter is going on in other countries funded by our tax dollars. And at home, animal life, too.

CyberKitten said...

Yup... The pro-life movement does seem to be rather narrowly focused... What about things like the death penalty? Or child medicine, child care, non-lethal weapons for you police forces....? Dare I say.... gun-control itself.....?

Marianne said...

That's one of the contradictions. Most of those who claim they are pro-life are also pro-gun. Yes, get your children, let them be malnourished, badly educated, die of an illness that kids anywhere in the world survive or get shot in school.

CyberKitten said...

Indeed. Pro-life seems to stop, at least for some, at birth. Surely pro-life should be all life?

Marianne said...


Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

No such thing as pro-life. They are pro-birth, then don’t give a fuck once the kids are born. Then cut all the programs and funding that could help our most vulnerable populations. But not do anything to protect them from gun violence. Fucking ridiculous.

Marian H said...

Many Americans are optimistic that armed citizenry could stop the excesses of a too-powerful central government. The thing is, that idea was conceived before such things as drones, cyber/bio warfare, and nuclear weapons existed. I have yet to be convinced that the 2nd amendment is still viable for the purpose it was intended. Meanwhile, the rampant availability of guns proves to be a bigger threat to everyday life. You can't go to a school or mall without thinking to yourself, where's the closest exit? (I'm just preaching to the choir here, I know.)

CyberKitten said...

Preach away Marian, it's good to know that American's (like Sarah & yourself) 'get it'. That means that there's hope for your country yet!

CyberKitten said...

Yup. Agree 100%.

Marianne said...

I once read that they should only allow the guns that were available when the second amendment was written. Makes sense to me.

Marianne said...

I know quite a few Americans like that. Unfortunately, most of them say they cannot talk about their opinions, they only get in trouble. That's terrible.