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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Monday, February 10, 2025


Marianne said...

So true.

CyberKitten said...

I don't actually agree with the whole 'Introvert' Extrovert' thing, but.... If I HAD to classify myself I'd say 'Introvert'. It's just that I don't NEED to be around people 24/7 and *need* my quiet time - even if I have to kill to get it.... The Covid lockdown wasn't exactly a breeze for me 100% of the time but I was bothered by the isolation a LOT less than other people I knew. It was an 'interesting' experiment in that regard.

Marianne said...

I am definitely an extrovert, I love being with people, I love meeting new people, never have a problem approaching strangers. But, having said that, I am fine with being alone. So, same as you, I think there are a lot of grey areas in the extrovert-introvert thing. I think it's more whether people communicate or not, some just could be dead, you never hear about them.

CyberKitten said...

I never liked meeting new people. Funnily that was a big part of my last job. I had to meet people who had requested project work from our team, understand exactly what they wanted, form a good working relationship with them and then deliver what we'd agreed on. I found that not only was I good at the (often speedy) relationship bit but that I actually really enjoyed it and began looking forward to meeting new people.

VV said...

I’m an introvert. I really enjoyed lockdown. I hiked a lot, and I wasn’t forced to do social events that I always dreaded. Having a late in life diagnosis of ADHD and likely Autism level 1, it now makes sense to me why I’m happy not socializing. I’ve got constant activity in my head.

CyberKitten said...

I've tried to explain not wanting to socialise to people.... Its not easy. I had a friend a while back who HATED being alone for more than an hour or two. If he did find himself alone he'd go out LOOKING for people to be with! He couldn't understand how I could spend a whole weekend without exchanging a word with others. I called it somewhere between normal & bliss!

Marianne said...

I totally missed that in most of my jobs, I would have loved to meet many people. Of course, it's easier not to meet people for an extrovert than the other way around, but it's not nice. I don't want to say I need people but I like it.