Beautiful picture :) East of the Rockies really does feel a whole different realm... I was thinking about this the other day - I've spent more time in the UK now than on the East Coast. :O
80% of the country lives east of the Mississippi, I'm told. Didn't realize Florida had so much inland development in the northern peninsula -- more even than the panhandle. Tampa must be huge.
Beautiful picture :) East of the Rockies really does feel a whole different realm... I was thinking about this the other day - I've spent more time in the UK now than on the East Coast. :O
Its pretty amazing just how *empty* the Eastern half of the country looks! You can almost draw a straight North-South line down the middle....
80% of the country lives east of the Mississippi, I'm told. Didn't realize Florida had so much inland development in the northern peninsula -- more even than the panhandle. Tampa must be huge.
I've seen some interesting charts showing population across the States. I think something like 80-85% live within 100 miles of either coast.
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