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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Poster Time.

1 comment:

dbackdad said...

Have you been getting blog comment spammed? I saw quite a few deleted comments on your recent posts.

Good cartoon. Unfortunately, there are some that ARE reading books but only if they are written by Michelle Malkin or Glenn Beck or Bill O'Reilly. Beck's most recent book was supposed to be an updating of Thomas Paine's Common Sense. It's obvious that Beck didn't read Common Sense or so grossly misinterpreted as to render it unrecognizable.

I was at a client's house yesterday and he had an Amazon order on his desk with both the recent books by Beck and Malkin. While he was not in the room, I considered some clever vandalism of the books ... but thought better of it. I get so sick of going to houses here in conservative AZ and seeing books like that or signed Bush or Reagan letters on the wall (like they are actually proud of them). It's a friggin right-wing echo chamber.