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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Sometimes it's the most important thing.......


Fred said...

I think it was Joseph Wood Krutch who commented that we were wrong when we noted "human" behavior in animals. It's really the "animal" in us.

An intriguing change in perspective, yes? no?

CyberKitten said...

Well, I've never really subscribed to the viewpoint that we humans are anything more than reasonably smart self-aware animals. We do look at other creatures and see them behaving like people though - rather than see us behaving like them. It's another indication of our (misplaced) feelings of self importance [lol].

It is good to switch things around though. Perspective is very useful. It lets you see more of (if not the whole) of the picture.

Mudpuddle said...

totaly agree, CK; perspective is prime requisitive for being civilized...