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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Saturday, April 06, 2024

Only 15.......? Really......? 

I don’t know if you’ve had this experience recently, but I’ve been bombarded with a ‘meme’ on TicTok about the fact that the ‘average’ American house has only 15 books in it. Funnily the TicTokers I’ve seen have responded with incredulity and have said that they have at least 50 and in a few cases as many as 100 in their homes. Naturally this made me chuckle a bit as I’ve probably got at least 1500 and likely to be more in the region of 3-4K. I am still *thinking* of actually counting them but the amount of effort involved is putting me off. If they were all on shelves I’d give it a shot, but at least half of them are stacked on the floor (and a futon in my ‘spare’ room). Anyway, I was intrigued by the whole 15 books thing and did maybe 20-30 seconds of ‘research’ to discover how accurate it was – and found this:    

How Many Books Does The Average Person Own

By Rakib Sarwar 

September 6, 2023 

How many books is a lot to own? How many books does the average person buy? How many books does an average person read every year? How many books does the average person read? How many books are in the average American household? 

So, how many books does the average person own? The answer may surprise you. According to the Pew Research Center, the average American household owns around 29 books. However, this number is slowly declining as people move towards digital reading options. Interestingly, though, Americans still buy more physical books than any other country in the world with an average of 12 books purchased per year. And although we’re reading less print material than ever before, we’re still averaging about 5-6 books a year. 

How many books does the average person buy

The average person buys or collects about 12 books a year. You may think that this number is too low, but it really isn’t. When you consider how little time we have to read, the average person only has a small window in which they can purchase books. And unless you’re a professional reader, chances are, you may only buy one or two books every six months. This is especially true if you’re a busy individual. In fact, according to the Pew Research Center, it is estimated that millennials buy about 4 books per year while Gen Xers buy around 8. So, if you look at these numbers, it’s not surprising to learn that the average person only purchases 12 books per year. 

How many books does an average person read every year

Although the average number of books purchased is around 12, how many of those books do people actually read? According to a study by Pew Research Center, the average American reads just 4 books in a year. This is where things get interesting. If you look at this statistic over time, you can see that it has shifted. 

For example, in 2021 the average American read 24 books a year. Of course, this was during a time when ebooks were becoming wildly popular and contained an abundance of information. In the years leading up to 2021, though, the number of books read was much smaller. So clearly, something is happening in the world of publishing that is pushing the average person to read more. 

How many books does the average person read

The answer to this question depends largely on the individual. There are some people who have developed a love for reading, and as such, they want to read every day. If you’re someone who reads a lot, chances are that you probably average around 60 books a year. On the other hand, there are some people who only read a book or two every six months. This number is much smaller, but not everyone likes to read or needs to read. 

How many books are in the average American household

This number is changing from year to year, but it’s currently hovering around 30 books. This is an interesting number because most homes today are filled with more than one type of media. For example, many homes today have a TV in every room. This means that the average household may actually own around 100 books. 

However, the number of books in a home isn’t always reflective of its owner. If you have young children, you probably have a number of children’s books lying around. You may also have a few books that you plan on reading at some point in the future. Regardless of how many books you have, it’s likely that you’re buying an average number of books each year. 

Although the number of books in an average American household has decreased, there is still a demand for books and book ownership. Owning fewer books doesn’t mean that people are reading less, it could just mean that they are reading different types of books. With more ways to access information, such as the internet and e-readers, owning physical copies of books may not be as important as it once was.  

[Despite being a pretty poorly written ‘article’ it does show that I, and no doubt many people who regularly read/contribute to this Blog, am an outlier in this regard (plus not being American so the reported stats don’t really apply!). I’ve always been surprised by how LOW such ‘averages’ are and the fact that this must mean that a significant number of people must be reading VERY few books per year, if any at all. Unless people like me are SO out there that we’re practically a different class of human. Thoughts?] 


Harvee44 said...

I had a half basement full of bookshelves and hundreds and hundreds of books. I didn't count them but they were well over 1,000. Now they are all at the used bookstore or the bookstore's own private shelves. He was kind enough to come to the house to pick most of them up.

I often take over any new books I have that I don't want to keep.

Harvee https://bookdilettante.blogspot.com/

Marian H said...

Pretty sure I have 15 books on my nightstand alone XD

I suspect the people I associate with day-to-day are outliers. I was at someone's house for Bible study a few weeks ago and was pleasantly surprised to see a nice collection of Dickens hardcovers, among other things. The church I go to is pretty traditional, though, so it stands to reason that there would be more readers of old books there.

Other than that, I have met quite a few people who read books for work, books specific to their industry or written by "thought leaders," gurus, etc. I feel like that's a very specific kind of reading, though.

Helen said...

I can't even begin to think about counting all my books, but I'm quite sure there are more than 15!

Maybe the increase in reading in 2021 was connected to the pandemic and people spending more time at home with nothing else to do?

CyberKitten said...

@ Harvee: I gave quite a few books away to a charity shop years ago to create some more space on my shelves. I quickly filled them back up though! Getting rid of 1000 books is VERY impressive! I really don't think I could do that!!

@ Marian: Indeed! I have many more that that one a *single* shelf! I guess that the people who hang around my Blog as well as the Blogs I frequent are definitely book outliers.

I haven't been in too many homes that haven't had at least a *few* books on display. When people first see the inside of my house they can't believe how many books I have. Of course few see every room so miss a fair few!!

@ Helen: I think counting my books would probably take a day or two of real effort. It'd be FAR easier if (in my dreams) they were all on shelves - and not double stacked as a lot of them are now - not counting the floor stacks. Maybe one day? My *guess* would be around 3K, though I wouldn't be surprised if it went over 4K.

GOOD point about the Pandemic. With little to do and nowhere to go I guess quite a few people picked up a book and found that they liked it.

Marianne said...

During a visit, my mother counted my books once but she stopped at a thousand. That was about thirty years ago. I would not be able to count them today. I have a list of the fiction and some non-fiction books I read (more than 2000) but those are by far not all the books we have in the house. Not even half.

So, I have no idea. I only keep the books I liked but since I am quite picky in which ones I start, there are not that many that I don't keep. LOL

CyberKitten said...

If I'm feeling energetic I might see about counting my books in the summer. It'll take a few days at least so I'll need to work myself up to it... [grin]

I'm *guessing* that I have somewhere in the region of 3.5K... probably. I have been giving some away lately to a local charity shop, but only a small handful so far. I really don't like disposing of books even for a good cause. Probably *one* reason why I'm drowning in them - but in a good way! [lol]

Marianne said...

We probably have that many if not more. After all, there were four of us who "collected" and my sons still have loads at home. They now moved into larger apartments and will take them with them but hubby and me still have lots and lots and lots.

Marianne said...

I finally managed to write my post about this subject, including the German statistics. Thanks for the idea.
