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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, June 09, 2024


Stephen said...

I find it darkly amusing (from someone who hasn't voted for either party since 2004) that every president from the sixties on has been culpable to mass murder, mass destruction of property, false imprisonment, gross abuses against the rights of its citezens, etc, but that we're supposed to take accounting fraud to pay off a hooker seriously.

O tempora! O mores!

CyberKitten said...

War is what Nation States do, I'm afraid....

Fraud, of whatever kind, is generally frowned upon no matter who does it. Or are you suggesting that fraud is such a minor issue (if an issue at all) that ex-Presidents shouldn't be held accountable for it? Or are you simply saying that the idea of Fraud itself shouldn't exist?

Stephen said...

I'm saying neither you me nor anyone would care if it wasn't Trump. This is transparent lawfare. People want to celebrate their enemies being proscribed by Sulla, fine, but let's not be children and pretend that this is about fraud or justice or anything other than politics.

CyberKitten said...

Oh, I think that the reason people 'care' or at least are interested enough to post memes about it, it that its an ex-President (and especially Trump). I don't think its 'lawfare' at all. He was accused of a crime, tried and found guilty - presumably just like anyone else who had done the same crime.

Are you saying that he didn't commit the offence, or that even if he did that he shouldn't have been arrested/charged/tried and convicted of it? Are you saying that Trump (or other 'important' people) should only be charged etc for more "serious" crimes and shouldn't be bothered with the little stuff? You know, like 'normal' people?

Stephen said...

You'll find that the majority of the non-Democratic electorate disagree with you on lawfare. A lot of libertarians and former Never-Trump conservates are planning to vote for him purely to register outrage against the "trumped up" charges and the use of the judicial system to meddle with an ongoing election. Personally, I don't want to break my 20 year record of not voting for either. :p The system is now weaponized, and when The Other Side takes control, the current powers that be will regret pulling that two-edged sword from its sheath.

To the second question -- US presidents have historically been exempted from criminal prosecution, not because they deserve it but for the dignity of the office, and to keep the system from being weaponized. Of course, between Trump's tweeting and Biden's general demeanor, the dignity of the office is a moot point these days.

To the accounting fraud -- fine. Sounds like a misdemeanor blown up for political reasons to me. Literally no one would care if he wasn't a political figure. Considering that there are billions flowing from American wallets to wage war for no purpose abroad (with no functional oversight of how the funds are spent) considering that the number of illegal immigrants ( flowing across the border over the last four years is greater than the population of three states, considering the state of our infrastructure, that Julian Assange and Ross Ulbricht are locked up for nonsense crimes, I couldn't get a pfennig about the books being cooked to hide a payment to a hooker. You want to get me excited about accounting fraud? Audit that mysterious privately-owned company that controls the public money, the Fed.

Cynical and weary of being so..

CyberKitten said...

So... Let me get this straight... LIBERTARIAN voters are intending to cast their vote for a blatant AUTHORITARIAN candidate because he's been convicted of a crime he committed whilst running for office.... You know, I struggle a bit to see the logic in that one... Plus you're saying that the present incumbent is abusing his power which is dead WRONG, but it justifies his opponent using exactly the same tactic if he's elected because its suddenly not wrong any more.... Erm.....

As far as I know (correct me if I'm wrong) incumbent Presidents typically haven't been charged with a crime whilst *in office* as a sort of 'gentleman's agreement' inside the DoJ so as not to distract them from their day job. This doesn't mean that an EX-President can't be charged for *anything* he ever did whilst in or out of office. Otherwise once they're IN office they can do *anything* without a single consequence falling on their heads - you know like the Divine Right of Kings or an Ultra-Dictator for Life.. So not a US President then?

As far as I know the Fraud charges are all felonies rather than misdemeanours, so... that's what he was charged with and that's what he's been convicted of. Even if people think that the charges *should* be misdemeanours doesn't mean that they're not legally felonies. I really don't think that's the way the Law works - even in the US. Whatever the state of your country, he still broke the law, got caught, got arrested and is now a convicted felon. I don't think anything beyond that matters does it. You can't really stand up in court and say that you shouldn't really be there - despite the charge etc - because the economy is pretty bad or inflation is too high. What's that got to do with the case at hand?

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

It is absolutely insane, isn't it? I saw a post about now that Hunter Biden has been found guilty for those gun charges, Democrats should create legislation called Hunter's Law about making background checks more firm, and then watch all the Republicans vote against it even though they are cheering and hooting and hollering about him being found guilty - as he should have been, since he did the thing he was charged with. It would be funny, if it wasn't so fucking depressing.

Also, fuck trump. He's trash and wants to be a dictator and and never should have been president and it is disgusting that half this stupid country voted for his dumb ass.

CyberKitten said...

Have you heard that Biden NOT interfering in his sons trial is part of a MUCH bigger conspiracy within the Justice Department....? [rotflmao] The MAGA crowd just can't let it go... [lol]

I'm hoping that he doesn't get elected in November. But if he does, it'll certainly be a wake-up call for all those who didn't vote because, you know, it doesn't change anything....

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

He OBVIOUSLY interferred! lol. Biden barely knows where he is, but he clearly made sure they would find Hunter guilty, in order to...do what, I am not sure.

It's absolutely terrifying to know that he can run and there's a decent chance that he will win. It is so gross and disgusting and all the things I hate. So many shitty things have happened even without him being in office, thanks to his weirdo sycophant supporters in Congress and on the Supreme Court (which is not supposed to be political but whatever), that Eleanor has LESS RIGHTS THAN I DID. This is not okay.

As Taylor Swift so eloquently said on her most recent absolutely fantastic album, The Tortured Poets Department, "I hate it here." *sigh*

CyberKitten said...

Well, all I can do is sit over here, at the other side of the pond (THANK GOD!) and cross my fingers for you guys.. Oh, and post a few memes which might move the dial by one or two people. I can't promise anything though.

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

Every meme helps ;)

But ugh. It's horrifying to watch and listen to this garbage daily. It's exhausting.

CyberKitten said...

Maybe *they* WANT it to be exhausting.... But, hopefully, if he looses in November he'll start to fade into obscurity.... Maybe.....

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

That's exactly what they want - for people to just be so tired and apathetic that they don't bother voting. It is so infuriating to me when people don't vote. The future of our country is at stake, and this is the moment we decide what kind of country we want to be. If trump wins, that will be the point of no return. It's terrifying.

CyberKitten said...

I think I read somewhere that about 1/3 of the potential electorate don't vote. Imagine is only 10% of them decided to? They could decide every election going forward. I do hope, for everyone's sake, that Trump doesn't win in November. I think there will be ongoing trouble is he loses - but nothing like the problems that'll be created if he wins.

Marianne said...

If this wouldn't be Trump but Biden, he'd long be in prison for that. Also any other person. But because it's Trump, he's not in prison and people think it's outrageous that he even has to go to court.

CyberKitten said...

That does both amuse & confuse me. Some people are angry about him being treated so badly - yet, if it was *anyone* else he'd be treated a LOT worse. The US criminal system is actually treating his *very* leniently...

Marianne said...

Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery leniently. There isn't even a word for that.