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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Saturday, June 01, 2024

I'm usually the Navigator....


VV said...

I’m always the driver because I get car sick so easily. I have to take Dramamine if I ride with somebody and don’t drive.

CyberKitten said...

I used to get SO car/train/anything sick growing up. If I couldn't get 'shotgun' the journey was pretty miserable for me. Fortunately, over time, things just naturally got better - plus I 'trained' myself to travel without feeling sick ALL the time. Now I can actually sick *backwards* on the train AND read...! It took a while to get like that though, believe me!!

Marianne said...

Fantastic post. I absolutely love that.

I always used to get car sick and still have a problem on a bus or when I have to sit in the back. But even that got a lot better.

I never had a problem on a boat, even with heavy sea, in a plane or on a train, no matter how I sit there, I love trains. Unfortunately, they have become so unreliable nowadays that we rarely use them.

CyberKitten said...

Agree on the back of the bus. I try my best to sit in the middle. The back of the bus tends to be the hottest & most noisy part because that's where the engine (usually) is - plus... fumes which messes with my system.

Boats seem to be OK with me too once I get my 'sea legs' [grin]. The only time I felt (but wasn't actually) sick was on a Channel crossing in a Force 5 gale in a hovercraft. Now THAT was an experience!!

For me these days, train travel is no longer an issue sickness-wise. I was actually surprised when travelling 'home' on Monday (a Bank Holiday here) that the trains were mostly OK. I had a one hour delay because of a signal failure... so better than expected.

Marianne said...

Oh, I meant when I have to sit in the back of the car. But yes, in the bus, I would always have to sit in front and that is still the best place for me.

I've never been on a hovercraft but I once was on a ferry that was the last they let in at Dover. Hubby and kids were all sick and I had to get down to the cars to get some change of clothes for our little one. Even the guy who escorted me had to hold on to the sides and the rails, and I still didn't get seasick, so I hope I'm alright with any normal one.

CyberKitten said...

I've been quite tall since I was a teen, so never liked being in the back of a car. Usually cramped and can't see much - which made my feeling sick worse. I like looking out and being distracted by things [grin]

Hovercraft are 'interesting' but are better in calm seas I think! The trip I had over the Channel in the standard ferries were *much* calmed. You barely felt anything. I think my most fun ferry trip was in a jetfoil in Italy travelling to Capri. Again rock-steady and *fast*.

Marianne said...

I'm not short for a woman but I doubt it's my height that makes me carsick.

As I said, I never was on a hovercraft. I remember a trip to Ireland on a huge ferry (Ulysses) and I mentioned to one of the cashiers how calm it was and whether that was because the ferry was so large. She said, oh, you won't believe how many people have complained about the sea. LOL