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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


Stephen said...

Riiiiight before COVID hit I was on a date with a woman -- we were going to walk around a park near the Alabama Shakespeare Festival, but she was running late. I texted her "Sitting in the park / waiting on yoooooo-oooooo". She had no idea who Billy Stewart was, so it was doomed from the start. :p

(Didn't help that she got a job offer in Hawaii a month later. ;-))

CyberKitten said...

I've lost count of the number of times a pop-culture reference just FLEW over the head of the person I was talking to. It is GREAT when they do get it though.

I was chatting to a cute woman @ work and she was talking about an accident she'd had. I asked if she was taking it easy because of her fall and she said "I haven't got time to bleed", to which I replied (instantly) "Have to you time to duck".... and then we both burst out laughing. The most surprising thing was that *she* was surprised that *I* got the reference!!

[Original 'Predator' with Arnie... (obviously)].

Definitely not a good thing when something like missing the reference happens - a clear-cut case of incompatibility! [grin]

Stephen said...

I've seen Predator, but I would have missed that completely!

CyberKitten said...

Its the scene where one of Arnie's team says that some rebels are 'dug in like an Alabama tick'. The 2nd guy says 'you're bleeding man'.. and thence the quote - followed by a grenade going off & a shower of dirt...