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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

Awwww...but what if the car shuts off for some reason??

CyberKitten said...

Should be OK for a while... Unless its a Tesla... [lol]

VV said...

The AC usually doesn’t cool as well after a little bit when the car isn’t driving. On another train of thought, I used to take both my German Shepherd dogs everywhere with me. Once the temperatures rose to a certain point they had to stay home. I would leave every window completely down. Neither dog would jump out of the windows. I think they were scared of falling. I was asked, “what if someone sticks their hand in to pet him and gets bit?” To which I replied, “their hand has no business inside my vehicle.” They were both antisocial dogs and didn’t stick their heads out of the vehicle because they didn’t want people coming up to them.

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

If I see a dog in a car and the window down, I would not for one moment think it was okay to go pet the dog. People are weird and deserve to get bit in that case!

CyberKitten said...

Trying to pet an unaccompanied dog, unless its being *really* friendly, is just asking to be bitten.

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

Right? It's also insane to me how a person can say 'not friendly' about their leashed dog, and then owners who let their dogs off-leash do nothing as their dogs run to the unfriendly ones.

CyberKitten said...

I actually saw a video last night where a pair of unleashed dogs where bothering some deer. A passer by warned them that the deer where dangerous and that they routinely killed or injured local wolves. The dog owners seemed completely indifferent to the warnings. No idea what happened next - though I imagine it might not have been pretty... People have ZERO idea about nature.

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

Dog owners can be so frustrating. In our apartment complex dogs are supposed to be leashed at all times outside, except in the dog park. We had this awful neighbor who would let his giant lab off leash to just run far off from him. I got hom from work one afternoon and he was several yards away and his dog came running up to me and jumping on me. I shoved the dog and yelled to get off of me. He thought it was funny, despite the fact that the dog's claws were super long and deeply scratched my torso through my shirt. The guy in general was also creepy, and I am so glad they moved.