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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Or *easy* access to contraception plus *quality* sex-education in schools.... Just a thought. Plus understanding and accepting the *fact* that sometimes abortions need to be performed to save the life of the mother. Duh!


Marianne said...

They are just too stupid to understand that.
And yeah, don't tell men what to do with their body but you're welcome to tell women. Stupid.

CyberKitten said...

Quite simply it's all about control. Men controlling women. Everything else is smoke & mirrors.

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

YES! Mandatory vasectomies until men are ready to be fathers!

Comprehensive sex-education and access to birth control is so, so important. The assault on Planned Parenthood is especially heinous, considering the majority of their services are NOT related to providing abortions. When I was poor in college and couldn't afford birth control, PP was there. When I aged off of my mom's insurance at 25 and couldn't afford my own, PP was there for my annual gyno exams. And when I needed the service that ONLY PP provided in this state, I was able to get it without the stress and anxiety of having to travel hours out of state, also paying for gas and hotel accommodations.

Anyone trying to tell me what I can do with my body, anyone trying to make it so my daughter has LESS rights than I did, can fuck all the way off into the sun.

CyberKitten said...

Zero idea how much The Pill is here (never needing it) but it appears to be free (after a 30 second scan of the NHS website). Apparently you don't even need to pay prescription charges because its needed so regularly. Cool! Condoms you, naturally, need to buy in a shop. But they're pretty cheap as far as I can remember - so NO excuse!

AGAIN I wonder with MAGA - what happened to 'don't tread on me' and keeping the Government out of the bedroom? It's almost as if its one rule for 'them' and another rule for everyone else... Weird that.....

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

Im not sure how much the pill costs either, as I was on a sliding scale with PP because of the poor-college-student thing, so it was always free for me. I think once I paid $30 for ten months' worth of pills when I moved up on the scale a little bit because of a second job. Not sure about condoms here either, as I never bought them.

With maga, we know it is all about control. They claim to care so much about keeping the government small? Okay, then stay the fuck out of my uterus.

They care about the fetus until it is born and that's it, because they only want babies to be born but also want to cut funding to social programs that help the most vulnerable. It's gross and I hate it.

Marianne said...

I once wrote this to one of my American friends who is very much against abortion. I said I blame all those who don't support the mothers, who are against secual education etc. She didn*t write back.