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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Some interesting (OK, to me) Political Stats.

I've just been watching an early review of the recent UK election and a number of interesting (as I said, to me at least) numbers came up. 

Keir Starmer is only the 7th Labour PM - EVER.

Labour have 209 new MPs as part of the 335 total new MPs

The Conservatives recorded their lowest result EVER at 121 seats - that's since their founding in 1835

The Labour party victory was on the smallest proportion of the vote in British political history

The turnout was the lowest since 2001 and the 2nd lowest since 1885.

So, this election has been quite one for the History books!!


Stephen said...

Not to mention Labour is being led by another Keir -- it being founded by Keir Hardie.

CyberKitten said...

Well, Keir Hardie was *a* founder of the Labour Party....

There was a great skit comedy show called 'Brass' in the early 80's based in the early 30's. In the Union office there was a glass case with Keir Hardie's flat cap in it. On the side said 'Break in case of Emergency'. Hilarious...