Welcome to the thoughts that wash up on the sandy beaches on my mind. Paddling is encouraged.. but watch out for the sharks.
About Me

- CyberKitten
- I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.
Monday, August 31, 2020
Just Finished Reading: A Vengeful Longing by R N Morris (FP:
St Petersburg, Russia. Summer 1868. Police Investigator
Porfiry Petrovich is not happy, not happy at all. The stink from the canal was
getting worse, he was convinced of it. Despite his written protests still
nothing had been done. But at least the latest case would get him and his new
assistant out of the city – at least for a little while. Everyone agreed that
it was an open and shut case but one had to go through the proper procedures
and his new assistant needed to be trained for this sort of thing. A doctor had
murdered his young wife who had been accused of adultery. Open and shut.
Simple. Chocolates had been procured, poisoned and given as a gift. Open and
shut. Simple. So simple that the assistant wondered, out loud, why they were
bothering to even talk to the confectioner or even to the doctor who, rather
inexplicably, denied everything. As the arguments flew across the office they
were interrupted by the announcement of another murder across the city – this time
of an old army officer. It was an open and shut case and the perpetrator had
already been arrested. The odd thing was that he was denying killing the man in
a duel despite being found holding the weapon and talked of receiving a note
telling him of the man’s transgression against his daughter. Stranger still was
the coincidence – that the officer and doctor knew each other. But it was still
an open and shut case. Apart from a few niggling things that bothered the
Inspector and the growing number of coincidences and links between the two
events. When the report of a third murder arrived on his desk Inspector
Petrovich knew it was going to be a long, hot smelly summer….
This is the second of a series of historical mysteries set
in late 19th century St Petersburg. I read the first back in 2011. I’ll
definitely not wait so long to read the next installment. This is a masterfully well-crafted
crime novel Not only is the character of the Inspector SO well done (his name
might be familiar to some!) but the whole tone of the novel is extremely well
done. Everything about this novel feels real and immediate. It’s as if we are
there, standing right next to the characters as they go about their lives and
as the Inspector and his new assistant go about their business. Having insights
into the detective’s methods (as he teaches them to his minion) is a great way
of looking at things as Petrovich uses his brain to figure things out without
the props of much in the way of forensics. I also liked, very much, the little
insights into Russian society where you can see tiny hints of political
upheaval to come. I might be reading too much into things but that’s how it came
across. After all the 1905 (attempted) revolution is only just over 35 years
away…. If you want to completely lose yourself in a novel, in an investigation
and in a time and place outside of your everyday experience this is most
definitely the book/series for you. Highly recommended and more to come from
both the Inspector and the author.
Oh, this was the last of my Historical Crime Novel sequence. Up soon, after a few Fantasy (and other) novels will be a sequence of Man Vs Machine novels....
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Friday, August 28, 2020
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Just Finished Reading: The End of the World Running Club by Adrian J Walker (FP: 2014)
Like most other people Edgar Hill barely noticed the news that there was ‘something wrong’ with Saturn’s rings. A year later he even missed the late night Government Warning thanks to an argument with his wife and the bottle of wine he finished off on the sofa. In the morning, complete with hangover, he knew that something was ‘off’ though. The local newsagents and shop was shut and the thinner than usual Sunday papers hadn’t even been picked up. The headline was pretty obvious though. IMPACT IMMINENT – Take Cover. The confusion lasted a few minutes until the easily recognisable air-raid sirens started going off across the city. Hastily grabbing some random supplies from the now looted shop Edgar ran home and managed to get his family into the basement just as all hell broke loose above them. Rescued a week later by units of the Army, Edgar found himself in a world unlike anything he had experienced except in bad TV movies. Hundreds of meteors had slammed into the Northern hemisphere destroying large parts of Europe and North America. The end of the world as he knew it was just something he had to start dealing with. But as a failing husband, failing father and failed office executive he really wasn’t sure he was up to the task. What made it worse was that neither his wife nor the other survivors thought he was up to it either. But when his family were rescued and flown to safety hundreds of miles away those left behind had a long way to travel and not long to get there. With roads smashed and transport at a premium there was only one way they’d make it in time. They were going to have to run across the length of the country – over 500 miles from Scotland to Cornwall. They’d better get started…..
There were many things I liked about this usual
post-apocalypse novel. The main character Edgar wasn’t a hero – at all. He was
just an ordinary guy, completely out of his depth just making it up as he went
along. He survived the end of the world almost by accident and it looked like
he wasn’t going to survive very long. All that changed when his wife and
children were taken away from him and he made the decision to get them back –
no matter what, including the fact that he knew that other people didn’t think
him capable of making it. The running across country was very well handled even
if some of the (very few) people they met along the way were clichés out of
central casting. A few things did raise my eyebrows a LOT. One was the fact
that there was talk (or possibly a plan) to evacuate the UK. Even if 50% of the
population had been killed in the impact that’s 30 MILLION refugees. Can you
imagine evacuating that many? Even with 75% dead that still 15 MILLION people
left alive. You don’t evacuate those numbers. You bring in what people need in
situ!! (Oh, and there was a brief one-liner about evacuating EUROPE. That made
me chuckle, a LOT). Naturally Government just vanished as usual. At least there
was some mention of London being heavily hit as well as region centres in
Birmingham and Manchester. But even if National Government had been taken out
some kind of local government somewhere would have survived. Even if taken
completely by surprise – at from government TV warning and newspaper reports it
looks like they had at the VERY least 12-24 hours’ notice – they would’ve had
some sort of disaster plan they could have put into effect. Any local
government that DID survive would have been in contact with any other
government survivors to co-ordinate things and start consolidating some sort of
action plan.
Without giving too much away there was a whole section in
the middle where the runners are captured by what would be a local warlord in Manchester.
Apparently the locals had fought with the police after the impacts and won. So
they took over. They had fences, guns (rifles, shotguns and pistols) and had
some engineers rigging anti-personnel mines to deter other gangs from attacking
them. I was putting words into the characters mouths when I mused – ‘This is
all very well, but what are you going to do when the government arrives in
tanks?’ Which they would have – eventually. Any local military units would
naturally look to proper civilian command and join them. With their equipment,
training, organisation and abilities they’d get things up and running again
pretty quickly. I’d guess that even with 75% dead and a similar amount of
physical damage there would be a centralised government within a year or two at
most. National government would be back up and running within 10-15 years (25
at the outside) and things would be back to ‘normal’ 25 years after that. Maybe
I should write THAT kind of end of the world scenario!?!
Anyway, even with the above caveats this was a pretty decent
apocalypse told from the PoV of the everyman – out of his depth and just trying
to do his best despite knowing he wasn’t really up to it. Dramatic in parts,
funny in others this was (generally) a pleasure to read if sometimes formulaic.
It did have a good ‘tone’ to it though which helped make the whole thing seem
much more realistic than most of this sort of tale. I shall be looking forward
to the sequel. Recommended.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Monday, August 24, 2020
Just Finished Reading: The Fireman by Joe Hill (FP: 2016)
No one really knew where it came from but there were enough rumours to go around. Some speculated that it was a weapon either released on purpose or by accident by the Russians or ISIS or religious fundamentalists. There was even one theory that it was released due to the melting tundra and was what really caused the demise of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Now, it seemed, it was our turn. But at least they had a name for it: Dragonscale or simply ‘scale. It was a fungus that invaded the body somehow (no one really knew how in the early days) and set up home there eventually penetrating all of the organs including the brain. The most obvious sign was mottling on the skin in weird and unique patterns mixed with amber-like granules – hence scale. But it was the scales effects that caused the most concern – and the most damage. When the infected experienced heightened emotions the scale ‘glowed’ and heated. When the emotions were strong enough the fungus became hot enough to ignite the infected person in a burst of Spontaneous Human Combustion so hot that the infected could start fires and start them they did. Before a mass programme of isolation was in place buildings, forests and whole cities burned. The authorities learnt too late for some that the sight of a combustion nearby could cause a ripple effect among other infected and result in firestorms. With little to go on and government action failing across the country self-styled ‘clean-up’ squads thought they had the right answer – shot the infected on sight.
Into all of this school nurse Harper Grayson managed to get
pregnant. If that wasn’t complicated enough her semi-psychotic boyfriend wanted
them to go through with their mutual suicide pact as the world ended around
them. But she had another life to think about now – even after she got the ‘scale
and had maybe a few months to live if she was lucky. Determined to go to term
and bring a new life into the world Harper left her home looking for a rumoured
community where they said they could control the disease. With nothing left to
lose and the clock ticking she had no option – unfortunately her boyfriend and
his new friends had other ideas….
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
20 Bookish Questions Tag
I saw this on Book Olive’s YouTube channel and I thought it
worth doing. Check her out. There’s always something of interest there…
One: How Many books is TOO many books in a book series?
That would really depend on the author and if they can
maintain a series over multiple books. I’ve read some series with 3 or 4 books
in them and the end was getting flat. Others I’ve read 5 so far and am looking
forward to the next 10 and beyond.
Two: How do you feel about ‘cliff-hangers’?
If they’re handled well I’m OK with them. What I don’t like
is 5, 10 or more cliff-hangers in a book or if they happen at the end of a book
JUST to get you to buy the next one – although I might forgive the author if
the sequel is great!
Three: Hard cover or paperback?
Generally paperback – cheaper, lighter and easier to hold. I
will buy a hardback if the paperback is unavailable or if the hardback is
really cheap.
Four: What is your Favourite Book?
I’m not even going to TRY to answer that question!
Five: What is your Least Favourite Book?
Undoubtedly something I never finished so – who knows?
Six: Love Triangles – Yes or No?
I’m not a reader of romance novels so it’s not something I
come across often. If it’s handled well I guess it’s OK – but usually it’s not
(in my limited experience).
Seven: What was the most recent book you just couldn’t
Descartes’s Error – Emotion, Reason and the Human Brain by
Antonio Damasio.
Eight: What is the book you are currently reading?
Dark Continent – Europe’s Twentieth Century by Mark Mazower
Nine: What is the last book you recommended to someone?
Red Moon Rising – Sputnik and the Rivalries that Ignited the
Space Race by Matthew Brzezinski
Ten: What is the oldest book that you’ve read?
Sense and Sensibility (1811)
Eleven: What is the newest book you’ve read?
Something published last year. I don’t think I’ve read
anything published in 2020 yet.
Twelve: Who is your favourite author?
Another IMPOSSIBLE question!
Thirteen: Buying or Borrowing books?
Buying. Not only are libraries thin on the ground around
here but I just like OWNING books so much!
Fourteen: What is the book that you dislike that everyone
else seems to love?
I couldn’t even begin to guess.
Fifteen: Bookmarks or dog ears?
Bookmarks. Have a bit of self-respect.
Sixteen: What’s a book you can always re-read?
The number of re-reads I’ve done can probably be counted on
one hand. I’ve read LoTR twice I think (possibly three times) and I’ve read His
Dark Materials three times. There’s just too much else to read I think.
Although I am planning on re-reading the Dune series (I only read the first
three originally) as well as the expanded Foundation series.
Seventeen: Can you read and listen to music?
Yes, but nothing I’m either too familiar with (singing along
(even in your head) AND reading just isn’t on. Classical works well or maybe
Snake Jazz [lol]
Eighteen: One PoV or multiple PoV’s?
Whatever works if handled well. Multiple PoVs can be
confusing but also enlightening if well integrated.
Nineteen: Do you read a book in one sitting or over multiple
Most of the books I read are far too big to read in a single
day. I aim for 80-100 pages a day. Hitting 150+ on a good day is not unusual
but still…. On average it takes me 3-4 days to finish a book. Really big books
(in the 700-800 page zone) can take 7-10 days.
Twenty: Who do you Tag?
Oh, I don’t TAG. I’m happy to BE tagged but I don’t
reciprocate…. Sorry.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Just Finished Reading: Inviting Disaster – Lessons from the
Edge of Technology: An Inside look at Catastrophes and Why they Happen by James
R Chiles (FP: 2001/2002)
We live, as we are often reminded, in a technological age –
an age of wonders, an age of miracles. We also live, as we are too often
reminded, in an age of disasters and catastrophe. Not surprisingly the two are,
again too often, linked. With great power comes the potential to do truly awesome
amounts of unintentional damage. But why is that true? It’s something that the
author of this equally fascinating and frightening book has been looking at for
most of his professional life.
For decades now technology in its many aspects has become
ubiquitous – ever present but virtually invisible. That is indeed part of the
problem. We are all users of technology but very few of us (including me!)
actually understand much of any of it. Not that long ago even the average
driver would not only use his or her car but also maintain it, changing out
components and understanding the basics of the internal combustion engine.
Today hardly anyone has the technological knowhow – outside a mechanics
workshop – to either diagnose or fix a problem most especially if neither the
problem or solution are obvious. Now imagine you’re are a pilot flying across
the Atlantic in a new aircraft. Naturally you have spent many hours in
simulators learning to fly it and have been told about its new features
(improved of course) and what to do in the event of a whole host of problems.
But no one told you about or trained you to handle the fact that an overworked
and very tired technician has forgotten to remove some duct tape covering an
external sensor he was working on so the planes computer system ‘thinks’
nothing is wrong with the flight when something is very wrong. But you trust
the machine. You trust the screen and the data it displays – just long enough
to be put in a life or death situation that you might not be able to get out
of. Now imagine you’re the night manager at a nuclear power plant. You’ve read
the manuals and you have a pretty good idea of how everything works at the
plant. But training, especially refresher training, is expensive and your last ‘hands
on’ disaster training back at headquarters was almost 5 years ago. It was two
days well spent but you can only cover so much in that time and there’s little
utility in training for a once in a hundred year accident that even the most pessimistic
engineer can come up with to bust the trainees balls in the simulated control
room. So, as these things tend to do, when such an accident happens, when a
mechanical valve sticks open but registers closed, when a readout gives faulty
or ambiguous data, when a leak is invisible and you only have instruments to go
off you do the best that you can and, potentially at least, cover a vast area
in radioactive ash.
Accidents happen. They are a fact of life. No system is
perfect. But we can mitigate, we can have redundant systems (despite the
expense), we can have back-ups and failsafe’s and simulators and adequate
training and…… But that’s the point of this book. Advanced technology is,
potentially at least, very dangerous if we don’t look after it properly and
treat it with the respect it deserves. If we build it, or design it, or use it
we need to understand it enough to use it safely and wisely. We need to
understand it enough and respect its power enough not to be that guy who left
the bolts out of the compressor or didn’t turn the alarm back on or didn’t tell
the pilot that his left tanks gauges aren’t reading right.
The author certainly gets around and seems to know his stuff. From nuclear power stations to airplane cockpits to high-rise office buildings he looks at disaster after near-miss to show what happened, why it happened and what can be done about it. It’s a sobering narrative but it’s one that need to be faced, especially as our technology gets more powerful and (potentially at least) more dangerous year after year. But be warned – reading this might put you off flying or living downwind of a nuclear power plant or anywhere near a port handling fertiliser (Texas, 1947!). One last thing: in my 2002 edition there’s a new introduction which looks at the collapse of the World Trade Centre towers from a structural engineering viewpoint. More sensitive American (or other) readers might want to skip over this bit. Definitely recommended.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Monday, August 17, 2020
Just Finished Reading: Public Health – A Very Short Introduction by Virginia Berridge (FP: 2016)
…and finally – one further step up to Public Health. Public
Health has meant many things to many people over the centuries – from sanitation
to vaccination to sexual health to life-style choices to improving things like
diet and combatting smoking (and illegal drug use). But the health of the
general population hasn’t always been the focus of the State or other institutions
either private or philanthropic. Before the Industrial Revolution (and into the
beginnings of that particular cultural and economic upheaval) the general
health was considered as either irrelevant or simply too complex and expensive.
Only with the coming of the factory and the consequent crowding together of
thousands of poorly fed and poorly served workers did the idea of Public Health
even enter the minds of people who could do something about it. With plague a
thing of the past the urban populations had to deal with things like Cholera
and Typhoid instead (to say nothing of Smallpox and Measles) which could spread
to the more wealthy areas and their inhabitants. Such efforts to combat disease
and improve the general health were not completely selfish (or humanitarian)
and improve they did – first with improvements in sanitation, housing codes,
reductions in working hours, improvements in food distribution. Not all of this
was the concern of Public Health officials but, over time, they had more and
more influence and more and more power to make improvements, suggestions and
policy recommendations. As other countries followed suite (the main focus of
most of this slim volume was on the UK experience with minor forays into the
European and American experience) the remit changed, expanded and mutated as
earlier problems were solved, new problems arose (like HIV/AIDS) and
definitions of Public Health changed or expanded. After 1945 Public Health developed
a more global perspective led by organisations like the WHO who, somewhat
naively, expected to eliminate the great global killers like Malaria by the end
of the 1970’s. Only Smallpox fell to the WHO programme and since then more
realistic approaches and aspirations have taken the place of total elimination.
Where Public Health goes in the future depends, as does much else, on the will
to do things for the general wellbeing of all.
This was the last book in the VSI Pandemic book blitz.
Whilst it wasn’t as interesting as some of the others it did offer another
perspective on health issues and the importance – as we all now realise – of Public
Health organisations and mind-sets in fighting, controlling or simply
mitigating health issues that apply to everyone (like Pandemics!). Not
surprisingly countries with robust Public Health policies and practices generally
do better in any health crisis than countries who do not. Public Health is
important and should be, at least in my opinion, a central part of any advanced
society. A State should seek to look after its citizens in the best way that it
can for a whole host of reasons. An adequately funded and resourced Public
Health system is a very good place to start. Reasonable.
We’re now back to normal for a while until the mood takes me
into another Blitz read. I already have the next one lined up and two more
after that in the pipeline. But I’ll be moving away from science based VSI for
a while if only to rest my brain for a bit.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Friday, August 14, 2020
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Just Finished Reading: Epidemiology – A Very Short Introduction by Rodolfo Saracci (FP: 2010)
After the previous book on Pandemics I thought it would be
good to look at the human response to epidemics and disease in general. This
was indeed a very good complimentary read to the previous two books. Over just
126 pages the author looks at the science of disease control starting with the
actual measurement of health and disease. After all if you can’t accurately
measure something there’s no way to know if anything you’re doing to combat it
is having any effect. Measurements give you data to work with which should
allow you to zero in on the vectors that gave rise to the disease in the first
place – they might show you were the first cases arose or they might show
disease clusters or even the fabled patient zero themselves! Once the data has
been collected and analysed it should give an idea of the cause of the disease
(contaminated drinking water for instance) and allow treatment – or at the very
least isolation of the affected area or population. Follow up data can also
show the effects of any procedure undertaken to combat or mitigate the effects
of the disease – such as handwashing after assisting in childbirth before
moving onto the next patient (a process hotly debated before becoming common
All of the above allows the tracking of disease within a
population over time and, even without an effective cure, increases the
possibility of controlling the spread and reducing any potential negative
effects. Even without knowing much about the actual disease organism –
bacteria, virus, parasite, fungus – epidemiological study can still highly
inform effect procedures to combat its effects. Detailed analysis of the
disease itself can come later (hopefully) and will undoubtedly help in devising
better protective protocols but a good level of epidemiological data crunching
can take you a long way even before you know what you’re fighting.
As I said earlier this was a nice complimentary volume to
the previous pair and takes discussion of infectious diseases and pandemics to
the next (higher) level and I’d recommend reading all three books as a set.
Only one more in this particular ‘blitz’ to go just taking it one more level up
in scale. Then we’ll get back to normal programming – or at least as ‘normal’
as it gets around here.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Monday, August 10, 2020
Just Finished Reading: Pandemics – A Very Short Introduction by Christian W McMillen (FP: 2016)
Following the trajectory of my previous VSI blitz books we
arrive at Pandemics. Rather inevitably it is pretty much THE topic at the
moment so it’s been difficult avoiding mention of both the science of pandemics
(and infectious disease in general) and their historical impact on humanity.
Although not a history book per se this slim volume can’t help but present various
pandemics in their historical context starting with Plague – the Black Death is
always a good place to start with this sort of thing – before moving onto the
big names of Smallpox, Malaria, Cholera, TB, Influenza and HIV/AIDS. This, of
course, nicely built upon the topics covered in the previous VSI book on
Infectious Disease (not planned that way but a very happy coincidence).
As with the previous books I learnt a great deal about how
countries coped (or not) with various pandemics over the centuries and tried
various methods to control or at least mitigate the effects of diseases they
often did not understand in the least. Without either an adequate understanding
of the mechanics of disease or any effective way of combating it even if they did
states where forced to use other methods such as quarantine (from quarantena,
meaning "forty days", used in 14th–15th-century Venetian and
designating the period that all ships were required to be isolated before
passengers and crew could go ashore during the Black Death), setting up additional
hospitals and local medical boards to decide on any actions proposed to control
disease spread such as disposal of refuse, burial of the dead in mass graves
and the feeding of those isolated and (potentially at least) infected. Indeed
some have proposed that the very existence of secular government structures and
intervention of the public into the private sphere might be based on the states
interventions required by pandemic control.
As a mere 121 pages this is an ideal little book to place
the present pandemic into historical context (interestingly many of the fake news
stories surrounding Covid-19 where also in circulation during the much more
deadly 1918-19 Spanish Flu pandemic) and show how some of the very same
measures (and slogans!) in place today have been used throughout our long and
deadly history with pandemic disease. Highly recommended.
Sunday, August 09, 2020
Saturday, August 08, 2020
An Eleventh View from The Apocalypse
Despite the (reasonably) hot weather the Covid spikes
continue to spike – hardly a surprise when you see people crowded onto trains
& on the beach. Fundamentally though very little has changed. There has
been some breakthroughs with therapeutics which is good. Anything that brings
down the mortality rate is a good thing in my book! But the virus is still out
there doing its job – infecting people and spreading. ‘Normality’ isn’t anytime
soon unfortunately.
I was actually visiting my nearby (20 minute walk) big
supermarket and bumped into someone I knew from work. She’d retired in December
and had planned lots of travel for her and her partner. They’re big walkers –
the Austrian Alps for preference – but have had to put pretty much everything
on hold until things clear up. Until recently they couldn’t even meet up (as
they live in separate houses) and had to sustain their relationship chatting at
different ends of their driveways. NOT good. Nearly everyone I saw was wearing
a mask though which was good. It’s mandated now in pretty much all
public/indoor places and it’s very rare you see someone NOT wearing a mask – at
least inside a shop. Still plenty of people walking around outside without one –
including me. People are very good keeping their distance though, although
generally anyone under 18 seems to think things like this don’t apply to them
or that they’re basically immortal so it doesn’t matter. Hopefully they don’t
end up taking an extra special present to Grandma….!
Nothing very much happening here. It’s been pretty warm (low
80’s F) which is a nice change although were expecting rain most of next week.
It does mean that I’ve had the time to work on my painting skills
(non-existent) on some exterior woodwork that needed some TLC. Still gaming
(ONI in the afternoon and Last Stand – part of an old Warhammer 40K game – in the
evenings with my regular gaming partner) and still reading about 2 books a week
which means my review pile is stubbornly staying locked at 10 books. I’ll see
if I can reduce that by slipping in a few hefty buggers to, at least occasionally,
drop below the replacement rate.
Apart from that I am, along with the rest of the world,
waiting for a vaccine so I can get my life back. OK, it won’t be HUGELY
different from what I’m doing now but at least I’ll have CHOICES! I spoke to my
Mum a few days ago (clocking in) and everyone is fine. Likewise my gaming
buddies are all well. All good news. I think I’ll go into ‘town’ around the end
of the month to see if my fave book shop survived the zombie hordes. I do hope
so. I guess I’ll find out soon enough. Be safe, stay safe – see you on the flip